
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘App’

Warning About Free Outlook Apps

November 24th, 2023 | by
Exclamation mark with e-mails

Source: Freepik

Attention! Microsoft has released new free apps for Outlook. However, the new Outlook apps store your login data (login name and password) in the Microsoft cloud. Emails are also transmitted to Microsoft without your consent.

Therefore, business use is prohibited for information security and data protection reasons. We also strongly advise against private use.

License-based Outlook programs, for example from Microsoft Office, and the Outlook Web App (OWA), which can be opened via a browser, are not affected. These may continue to be used. There are currently no security concerns, as these applications communicate directly with the RWTH Aachen University mail servers and no data is transferred to the Microsoft cloud.

We have put together a short FAQ for you on what you should know about this.

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Welcome, Webex!

November 2nd, 2023 | by
Drawing of video communication via multiple devices

Source: Freepik

Today, Webex was activated RWTH-wide. All employees can now use the cloud-based messenger and team collaboration app from Cisco Systems.

In the first blog post about Webex, we familiarized you with the first steps. You now know how to install the app and how to log in afterwards.

But what features does Webex offer and how exactly are they used? We will answer these questions in the following article and introduce you to the four most important functions for using Webex at RWTH Aachen University: Softphone, Chat Collaboration, Cloud Calling, and Meetings.

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Feedback on the Beta Version of the RWTHapp 2.0

June 24th, 2022 | by
Cat at mobile phone with app

Source: Own illustration

As part of the beta test, you had the opportunity to test the new RWTHapp in advance in mid-May – which around 3,000 of you did diligently. With the help of your feedback, we are now continuing to work on the app, which is expected to be ready for launch in the course of the coming winter semester 2022/2023 and will accompany you through your daily university life.

Of course, we do not want to deprive you of the results of the beta test and have summarized them for you in this report. Read the rest of this entry »

The new RWTHapp is on its way – and you can test it as the very first!

November 3rd, 2021 | by
Rising sun with "Good morning RWTH Aachen University

New app, new welcome!
Source: Own illustration

We plan the relaunch of the RWTHApp for mid 2022. To get your feedback during the development, we will launch an alpha test at the end of November 2021! If you use Android or iOS, you can test the new RWTHApp before anyone else for three weeks – from November 22 to December 12, 2021.

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