
IT Center Blog

Exmatriculation – What Then?

March 14th, 2025 | by
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Source: Unsplash

The last exams have been written and the final thesis has been handed in – your studies are coming to an end. An era is ending and new paths are waiting for you, be it a job, further studies or other exciting challenges.
But what happens to the RWTH services that accompanied you during your studies? How long will you still have access to your accounts, documents and data?

Here you can find out what remains and what you should definitely do before exmatriculating.


Which RWTH Services Are Involved?

During your studies, you will use numerous RWTH digital services, including RWTHonline, IdM Selfservice, Microsoft 365, RWTH-E-Mail, eduroam and more.

However, after exmatriculation, access rights change, sometimes immediately, sometimes with a transitional period and sometimes access even remains unchanged.
But in any case, it is important to back up all relevant data in good time!

Let’s take a closer look at the services.


RWTHonline: Access for Another 180 Days

Former students can continue to access RWTHonline for up to 180 days after exmatriculation. During this period, you can use the “Certificates (documents)” tile to download important documents such as exmatriculation certificates or proof of study progress.

After 180 days, access to RWTHonline will be blocked. Anyone who still needs documents after this time must contact the relevant departments directly:

It is therefore advisable to download all required documents in good time in order to avoid any subsequent effort.


RWTHmoodle: Restricted Access After Exmatriculation

You can continue to access RWTHmoodle even after you have exmatriculated. However, you can expect some restrictions, as you will be automatically logged out of all course rooms for the current semester.

The course rooms from previous semesters will remain accessible to you until they are finally deleted. However, if you still want to take part in further education courses or other Moodle courses afterwards, you can still be invited to the relevant course rooms. (*)


RWTH-E-Mail: Can Be Used for Life – But Stay Active!

The personal RWTH email address in the form can basically be used for a lifetime. However, if it is no longer used, an email-lifecycle is initiated to deactivate unused mailboxes and save resources.

What does this mean?
As long as you log in regularly or at least every six months, the mailbox remains active. If you do not log in for six months, you will receive a reminder email stating that the mailbox will be deactivated if there is no response. Deactivation can be prevented by logging in again. If you still do not log in and the mailbox remains inactive for another 180 days, it will be permanently deleted.


IdM Selfservice – Access Is Retained

You can continue to use the IdM Selfservice even after exmatriculation. This remains available to you and offers some useful functions, such as access to your personal, stored data. You can also change the password for your RWTH email address there. The best way to do this is to save the link to the selfservice.


Microsoft 365

Your Microsoft account will be blocked as soon as you leave RWTH. For Microsoft products, this means that you will no longer be able to access the data stored in your OneDrive or any other documents from Word or Excel.

You should therefore back up any data you want to keep before exmatriculation.
If you subsequently discover that you still need important files, you can contact the IT-ServiceDesk for 30 days after leaving RWTH.


No Access After Exmatriculation

You will lose access to other services as soon as you leave RWTH. These include services such as VPN and eduroam.

As you can see, there are some RWTH services to which you still have limited access after exmatriculation, while others are immediately blocked.
To be on the safe side, it is always worth backing up your data in good time to avoid losing important documents.


Responsible for the content of this article is Sara Erdem.


(*) The paragraph was updated on March 18, 2025.

2 responses to “Exmatriculation – What Then?”

  1. hexydog says:

    Amazing article Sara thanks for the information


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