
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Microsoft’

Storage Space Reduction on OneDrive & SharePoint Online

September 2nd, 2024 | by
White cloud as storage icon with file icons around it

Source: freepik

Microsoft products play a major role in everyday university life, especially for many students. Services such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote are part of the Microsoft licences included in the Microsoft federal contract that RWTH Aachen University has concluded with Microsoft. This gives students (and employees) the necessary rights to use the software.

Due to new votes and licence changes on the part of Microsoft, the storage space for OneDrive and SharePoint Online on the tenant for students has been redefined.

You can find out what has changed for you and how to proceed in this blog post.

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Tips and Tricks for Microsoft OneNote

July 17th, 2023 | by

OneNote – is part of the Office package, but it is still not as well known as Word, Excel or PowerPoint.
Although, OneNote is much more useful than expected.

Notebook with a pen and glasses in the background

Source: Unsplash

Put simply, OneNote serves as a digital notebook. Not only can notes be created with the keypad, but handwritten notes can also be recorded with the mouse, touchpad or on a touchscreen display.

But this tool can do so much more. Notes that would otherwise be chaotically scattered in various folders can be clearly structured here and filled with various digital content and media. If you don’t like loose paper lying around and don’t want to have Post-Its stuck everywhere, this is the perfect alternative.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just like to keep things tidy, we have tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the tool.

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Tips & Tricks for Microsoft Word

June 21st, 2023 | by
Creative content writing vector concept metaphor.

Source: Freepik

Microsoft Word is a word processing program that is used daily by various users. From schools to individuals to CEOs, Word is in regular use. Nevertheless, not all users are familiar with its multiple features. In this blog post, we will share with you five helpful tricks that will make using Microsoft Word easier and more enjoyable.

Please note that Microsoft Word can be used in different ways: There is a web application that you use in the browser, as well as a local installation of Microsoft Word that you can find as a program on your PC or laptop. The range of functions is slightly different.

The tips and tricks mentioned below refer to the local installation of Microsoft Word, which is included in the Office package M365.

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Tips & Tricks for Microsoft Outlook

January 16th, 2023 | by
Excerpt Outlook calendar

Source: Unsplash

Microsoft Outlook is a popular software that is mainly used for managing e-mails and appointments. You use it to receive and send your e-mails, coordinate appointments, maintain contacts, and manage tasks. Despite the fact that it is frequently used on a daily basis, one doesn’t necessarily know all of its functions. For this reason, we have compiled six useful tips for you below, which will make using Outlook even easier.

Please note that some functions are available in Microsoft Outlook, but do not work or work differently in the web application. The tips and tricks mentioned here refer to the Microsoft Outlook software, which is included in the Office package. Read the rest of this entry »

Cleaning up the Microsoft Accounts

July 6th, 2022 | by
Cleaning utensils in bag

Source: Freepik

“Tidiness is half the battle” – for this reason, we have now started a clean-up campaign of the Microsoft accounts in the RWTH-Tenant!

“But what actually is the RWTH-Tenant? What is this cleanup campaign all about? Does it affect my Microsoft account?”

We have summarized the answers to these and other questions for you in today’s article, so that you don’t miss any important information on the topic of Microsoft 365 at RWTH Aachen University and stay up-to-date on innovations in good time. Read the rest of this entry »

Microsoft 365 at RWTH Aachen University

May 13th, 2022 | by
Smartphone with Microsoft 365 Apps

Source: Eigene Darstellung

Meetings with colleagues, joint coffee breaks, self-organization during studies and exchange with fellow students – all of this would not have been so easy since spring 2020 at the latest without progressive digitization and continuous and flexible adaptation to the circumstances.

Whether in teaching, research, studying or everyday work – without the right tools, communication and collaboration between members of RWTH Aachen University is significantly more difficult in times of home office and distance learning. Read the rest of this entry »

Making Video Conferences more efficient – Tools for Online Meetings

May 4th, 2022 | by
Graphical representation of video conferences on different laptops

Source: Pixabay

For more than two years now, our (working) lives have been turned upside down and we have to face special challenges. Due to the pandemic, we are required to comply with distance rules, in addition to many other regulations. For many, this means switching to situational mobile home work or home offices. To still stay in touch with colleagues and keep meetings going, video conferencing tools are worth their weight in gold. Find out which tools for online meetings we use at the IT Center in this article.

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(Deutsch) RWTH Aachen schließt Rahmenvertrag zur Ermöglichung von Microsoft Azure Services ab

June 19th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.