
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Studium’

RWTHmoodle – Find the Right Guide for You

September 30th, 2024 | by
moodlemonday logo

Source: Own illustration

The RWTHmoodle service is indispensable in everyday study life, both for students and lecturers. It is therefore particularly important for all those involved to ensure suitable access to detailed documentation.

With this in mind, our RWTHmoodle help has been comprehensively revised. Due to the large number of available instructions, it was often difficult in the past to quickly find the right documentation. To simplify this, we have developed a clearly structured and more user-friendly navigation that provides easy and targeted access to the desired Moodle help.

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Scrapbooking – Creative Method for Your Studies

April 5th, 2024 | by
Stack of Ringbooks with first Notes. Scrapbooking

Source: Freepik

Are you ready to add a personal touch to your studies and take your organization to the next level? Then grab your scissors, glue and other materials, because today we’re going to introduce you to the wonderful world of scrapbooking!

When you think of scrapbooking, images of creatively designed photo albums may come to mind first. But did you know that scrapbooking can also play an invaluable role in your everyday study life? It’s not just about capturing memories, but also about organizing your thoughts, ideas and even your study materials.


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RWTHonline: How to register for LV and PV

April 3rd, 2024 | by
Top view of school supplies range

Source: Freepik

Especially at the beginning of your studies, everything is new and confusing. How do I register for my courses? And what does “Requirements met ” mean? Why can’t I see my study room yet, even though I have registered for the course?

Good preparation for the coming semester includes registering promptly for the courses (LV) and, later in the semester, for the examinations (PV). You can register in RWTHonline via the “Study Overview (Curriculum Support)” application.


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The IT Center Picture Puzzle: Department of Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching

November 23rd, 2022 | by
Interview photo with department head Christoph Becker and Bernd Decker from the Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching (PDSL) department

Source: Own illustration


With our last picture puzzle for this year, we introduce you to yet another department of the IT Center. On our social media channels, we called for guesswork and searched for a certain word to go with the four pictures, which stands for the department Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching (PDSL). Well, which of you came up with the solution word “digitalization“? You can get more exciting insights into the PDSL department in the interview.

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#Goodtoknow – IT Services in the Spotlight

October 28th, 2022 | by
Helle Bauleuchte

We take some important IT services for you in the spotlight, and hence you a few interesting facts at hand!
Source: Freepik

#Goodtoknow – IT Services in the Spotlight

Today we have useful knowledge about some of the IT services at RWTH. We have summarized interesting facts about our collaboration and communication tools, but also information about a stable connection via VPN and Eduroam. To keep you connected, we have prepared a small series for you!

Today: Sciebo and Gigamove  Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome new MATSE trainees!

September 16th, 2022 | by


Welcoming of the new MATSE beginners in the lecture hall

Source: Own illustration

90 new trainees began their dual training as mathematical-technical software developers (MATSE) on September 1.

The welcoming ceremony followed on September 2 in the IT Center to welcome all the creative newcomers. Read the rest of this entry »