
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Announcements’

RWTHcontacts – The New and Leading Directory

June 28th, 2023 | by


Sign "New RWTHcontacts"

Source: Freepik

RWTHcontacts has replaced CAS CAMPUS and is the new leading Directory of Organizations and People at RWTH Aachen University.

RWTHcontacts presents the information of the Directory of Organizations and People furthermore makes it accessible worldwide. In the Directory of Organizations, organization administrators can maintain the functional addresses and contacts.

In the Directory of  People at RWTH, organization administrators can maintain the official addresses and contact data of the people at their organization. In addition, it’s possible to create objects (e.g. rooms) and structure their common display using headings. The corresponding functionality of CAS Campus has thus been replaced. Read the rest of this entry »

Archive Migration – Project Completion

June 23rd, 2023 | by
Symbol image for project completion archive migration

Source: Freepik

“It is done.” These are the words we can now say about the “Archive Migration” project. After more than two and a half years, the last data from the legacy system was migrated to the digital archive or Coscine last week. Now, with the completion of the project, we can review the time and evaluate the progress.

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WLAN News – Part 2: eduroam and certificates

June 16th, 2023 | by
Top view of the Wifi icon

Source: Freepik

The Wi-Fi network eduroam is available on the entire campus of the RWTH Aachen University. If you have already configured eduroam on your mobile devices and chosen an automatic connection, your devices will connect to eduroam in the background. This happens as soon as your devices detect a network with the name eduroam in the vicinity.

Behind a secure connection to eduroam lie certificate structures that guarantee this security. But how exactly do these processes work? In the following blog post, we hope to provide answers to these and other questions.

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Multifactor Authentication in IdM Selfservice

May 31st, 2023 | by

IT security is a major and important topic at RWTH Aachen University and the IT Center.

Data protection title with a big blue digital lock on a dark blue background.

Source: Freepik

Already in 2021, it was reported that the introduction of multifactor-authentication (Mfa) would provide systems with greater security against unauthorized access.

In order to offer the MFA protection to further services the IdM Selfservice is now equipped with the so-called “MFA Tokenmanager”.

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I Can See Some Changes – IT Center Changes

May 26th, 2023 | by
Employees flying ahead on paper airplane

Source: Freepik

With the go live of IT Center Help in 2020 we said goodbye to our documentation portal “”. Here we provided information, instructions and also changes of the IT Center Services for you for almost six years.

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Discontinuation of “Sophos Antivirus” – What You Have to Do Now

May 24th, 2023 | by
Drawing of a cloud surrounded by lock, shield, and wifi symbol

Source: Freepik

Within the framework of an NRW state license agreement, institutions of the RWTH Aachen University can use the virus scanner “Sophos Antivirus” as well as the corresponding management console “Sophos Enterprise Console” free of charge. In addition, members of the RWTH are allowed to use the software privately.

Now the company “Sophos” has discontinued the on-premises variants of its virus scanner as well as the management console “Sophos Enterprise Console” on July 20, 2023. Starting then, these products will no longer be provided with updates by the manufacturer. To find out if and/or how this is relevant to you, continue reading this blog post.

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DivA – Submission of Final Theses

May 19th, 2023 | by
Digital Submission of Final Theses

Source: Freepik

The application “Submission of Final final Theses” (DivA) is a project of the PDSL department (Process Suppport and Digitization of Studies and Teaching) of the IT Center in cooperation with the Central University Administration. The application is being developed with the aim of providing students, examiners, and not least the Central Examination Office (ZPA) with an accessible and intuitive way to facilitate the submission of theses.

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WiFi News – Part 1: New Certificate for the RADIUS Server

May 17th, 2023 | by
Front view of smartphone and WiFi router

Source: Freepik

For the expiration of the server certificate of our authentication server the certificate on the system will be exchanged on May 23, 2023. This has already been announced in the status message portal.

You will be affected by these changes the next time you log in to eduroam. What you have to do to continue using the WiFi, we explain in the following blog post.

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ADAM – Active Directory Campaign

May 15th, 2023 | by

The “Managed Service Active Directory” service has been officially discontinued by the end of 2023.

Red index card with a folder logo

Source: Freepik

There were several reasons for discontinuing this managed service. Among other things, the additional costs for the users, the high administrative maintenance effort and the insufficient scalability contributed to this decision.

Howevery, the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University already offers its facilities a far more advantageous alternative: the Active Directory for Workplace Management (ADAM for short).
After a three year project and pilot phase, during which the web interface and a security concept were designed, the managed service has now been introduced.

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From CAS Campus Export to RWTHcontacts Export

May 8th, 2023 | by
Illustration Projektarbeit: Zwei Personen arbeiten an Ordner

Source: Freepik


As we have already reported, the organization and person directory of the campus management system “CAS Campus” (“Web Phone Book”) is being replaced by the new service RWTHcontacts.

Now the project is proceeding into the next phase: the data from RWTHcontacts must now successively replace the old CAMPUS data in all digital processes.


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