
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Events, Anniversarys & Success’

RWTH becomes part of the National High Performance Computing Network

November 16th, 2020 | by

So what? NHR – what is that anyway?

NHR – that stands for “National High Performance Computing” and is a project of the Joint Science Conference (Gemeinsamen Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK)). With the help of this project, researchers throughout Germany are to be guaranteed access to the computing capacity they need for their research. “High-performance computing” describes computer-based computing that requires high computing power or storage capacity. This is becoming increasingly important in research and teaching. Nowadays, the use of and access to high-performance computers is indispensable for many research fields.

For this reason, the state and federal governments have agreed in the Gemeinsamen Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK) to jointly promote not only research buildings and large-scale facilities but also high-performance computing at universities. This is meant to strengthen the international competitiveness of Germany as a research location in the fields of simulation and big data, among others. The aim is to create a nationally coordinated network of high-performance computing centers. This network offers all German universities appropriate resources and services for national high-performance computing.

RWTH becomes part of the National High Performance Computing Network

RWTH becomes part of the National High Performance Computing Network
Source: NHR4CES

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Welcome Weeks Online – Digital and Brilliant for the Winter Semester 20/21

October 2nd, 2020 | by

Twice a year, everything at RWTH Aachen University is about the start of studies. This year, the summer semester has also got off to a successful start, although the conditions surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic required a completely different approach than we are normally used to. The winter semester 2020/2021 will also be characterized primarily by digital courses. For this reason, the International Office’s traditional introductory week has also been converted to a digital format.

Welcome Weeks Online 2020 - Maddy Ruppé online with the participants of the Welcome Weeks Online 2020/21

Welcome Weeks Online 2020 – Maddy Ruppé online with the participants of the Welcome Weeks Online 2020/21
Source: Claudia Pankanin

Since the actual event of this semester could not take place on site, the Welcome Week has become an “Online Welcome Weeks Program” for our international students. We were also able to participate again with a digital information stand at the Freshers’ Fair and an interactive lecture on the IT Services of the IT Center, which are especially important for the start of the digital semester.

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(Deutsch) 365 Tage, 12 Monate, 52 Wochen Social Media am IT Center

October 1st, 2020 | by

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(Deutsch) Kick-Off der Pilotphase: Cloud-Projekt Azure hebt ab

September 29th, 2020 | by

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(Deutsch) IT Center Projektmanagement im bundesweitem Austausch

September 16th, 2020 | by

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(Deutsch) Das IT Center – Mehr als nur ein Arbeitsplatz

September 11th, 2020 | by

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(Deutsch) Digitaler Betriebsausflug 2020

September 7th, 2020 | by

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MoodleMoot Global goes online

July 20th, 2020 | by

Like many other events, this year’s MoodleMoot Global was dominated by the COVID 19 pandemic. The conference, which was originally planned as an on-site event in Barcelona, was therefore held completely online for the first time, offering the global Moodle community the opportunity to exchange information despite distance rules, travel bans and other restrictions. The members of the community met from July 6th to 10th on a specially created Moodle instance. Among the more than 1000 participants from over 120 countries were representatives of the IT Center and the Learning Platform Management Department of the Center for Teaching and Learning Services at RWTH Aachen University.

Over 1,000 participants from over 120 countries took part in this year’s MoodleMoot Global!
Source: Own illustration

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(Deutsch) ISC High Performance 2020 Digital – Wir blicken zurück

July 10th, 2020 | by

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Virtual Reality Group feierte 20-jähriges Jubiläum

May 20th, 2020 | by
Die aixCave im IT Center der RWTH Aachen University. Die Virtual Reality Group blickt auf 20-jähriges Bestehen zurück. (Bild: IT Center)

Die aixCave im IT Center der RWTH Aachen University. Die Virtual Reality Group blickt auf 20-jähriges Bestehen zurück.
Quelle: Eigene Darstellung

Im aktuellen Jahresbericht des IT Centers berichten wir über ein ganz besonderes Jubiläum vom Herbst 2018: Das 20-jährige Bestehen der Virtual Reality Group. Seit nun mehr als 20 Jahren erforscht die Gruppe die verschiedenen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Virtueller Realität (VR) an der RWTH Aachen University.

Die Anfänge

Gegründet wurde die Virtual Reality Group im Herbst 1998 von Professor Christian Bischof, dem damaligen Leiter des Rechen- und Kommunikationszentrums (des heutigen IT Centers) und Dr. Torsten W. Kuhlen. Ziel der Gruppe war es, die Erforschung von VR an der RWTH durch personelle und maschinelle Infrastruktur zu ermöglichen. Von Beginn an zeugte die hohe Anzahl der Kooperationen mit verschiedenen Instituten der Hochschule vom großen Potenzial dieser Technik. Es wurde ebenfalls schnell deutlich, dass der Einsatz von VR von großer Bedeutung für die unterschiedlichsten Disziplinen der Wissenschaft ist.

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