
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Projects & Cooperations’

Mobile campus networks – implementation with WLAN or 5G

March 5th, 2021 | by

 What are mobile campus networks?

Mobile campus networks are characterised by locally or regionally limited network coverage and administration. Mostly, these networks are based on mobile radio technology and are usually used by industrial companies or university institutions for their individual needs and requirements. These networks are managed either by the company concerned, the university itself, a commissioned telecommunications operator or a network supplier. A combination is also possible.

Mobiles Campus-Netzwerk der RWTH Aachen

Mobile Campus-Network of RWTH Aachen University
Source: Own illustration

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(Deutsch) Immissionen im 5G Netz – Ist das Mobilfunknetz 5G gefährlich?

February 26th, 2021 | by

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Collective Driving – Cloud Services for Automated Vehicles

February 19th, 2021 | by

a use case in the 5G network –

Cloud Services für Automatisierte Fahrzeuge

Source: Adobe Stock

The future of mobility remains exciting: Rapid technological progress is opening up entirely new possibilities for the car of the future. Thanks to automated driving, we will be chauffeured from door to door in self-driving cars. Traffic jams, accidents and environmental damage could soon be a thing of the past. The realisation of this vision is approaching in leaps and bounds. RWTH Aachen University is actively helping to shape this mobility transformation.

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RWTHjupyter enters pilot phase

February 17th, 2021 | by

We already presented the test operation of the JupyterHub at RWTH Aachen University a few weeks ago on the IT Center Blog. So far, the JupyterHub cluster has only been in the test phase. Now it will grow into a new service! For this purpose, the service with the beautiful name “RWTHjupyter” will enter the pilot phase on February 22, 2021.

At the start of the pilot phase, we’ll give you a closer look at what RWTHjupyter can do and where the seemingly unusual name comes from.

RWTHjupyter home page view

Welcome to RWTHjupyter!
Source: RWTHjupyter

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5G – Using frequencies – Overview of regulation

February 12th, 2021 | by

Electromagnetic waves are suitable for the wireless transmission of signals in a limited frequency range. To ensure efficient use of this finite resource, international harmonisation agreements are made. At the national level, allocations to specific radio services are made in the Frequency Ordinance.

Frequencies can be allocated to the general public, service operators (e.g. Deutsche Telekom) and private users (e.g. RWTH Aachen University). This allocation takes place upon application to the Federal Network Agency. It regulates and determines the allocation modalities. On the one hand, this creates the greatest possible flexibility for the use of the frequencies, and on the other hand, attention is paid to possible interference in the joint use of a frequency by other users.

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5G – The new mobile communications technology

February 5th, 2021 | by

The new mobile communications standard 5G is playing an increasingly important role worldwide – including here at RWTH Aachen University. And that’s why, as of today, we’re dedicating a small series to the topic every Friday, providing background information, technical info and an outlook for the future.

Source: Pixabay

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(Deutsch) Projektvorstellung: POP – Performance Optimisation and Productivity

January 15th, 2021 | by

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(Deutsch) IDM.NRW – Vorprojekt Machbarkeitsstudie

January 13th, 2021 | by

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(Deutsch) FLEX hat eine „WIRKUNG HOCH 100“

November 20th, 2020 | by

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(Deutsch) RWTHjupyter – Ein JupyterHub Cluster für die RWTH Aachen University

October 28th, 2020 | by

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