
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘IT-Managers’

(Deutsch) Wie kommt der Banking-Trojaner zu mir? Per E-Mail? NEIN: per SMS!

March 24th, 2021 | by

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RWTHmoodle – Setting up a download option for videos on the streaming server

March 22nd, 2021 | by

Source: Pixabay

You are on the road and want to watch the lecture recording, but you don’t have internet? You want to watch a digital lecture, but the video takes forever to load because your internet connection is not sufficient? Or do you as a lecturer want to offer your students the possibility to watch a video independently from RWTHmoodle?

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(Deutsch) Virtuell einfach besser kommunizieren

March 19th, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

A round thing – the GitLab Project LifeCycle

March 17th, 2021 | by

*** Editor’s note ***

The mentioned deadlines refer to the information in the Terms of Use, which became effective in 2019.


Currently, the GitLab Project LifeCycle is under review.


The login screen for GitLab at RWTH University

Use GitLab at RWTH? No problem.
Source: RWTH GitLab

With the open source software GitLab, software and web projects can be versioned. In addition, versions of the code can be stored and documented. Digital archives give the possibility to organize, self-host and manage the versions. GitLab is used at RWTH Aachen University with pleasure and actively. However, after projects have been processed, a lot of data often accumulates that is no longer used. To prevent a mountain of data garbage from accumulating in GitLab, a Project LifeCycle was designed and introduced.

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(Deutsch) 365 Tage Homeoffice – ein großes Abenteuer

March 15th, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

5G at the ZKI Spring Conference 2021: IT Connects – Innovation & Operation

March 12th, 2021 | by

On the occasion of the ZKI Spring Conference 2021 (German only), which was hosted by the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University, Sven Jung from the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT) spoke on the topic:

5G-Industry Campus Europe – Opportunities and challenges of the new mobile communications standard for research.

Exciting presentation of Sven Jung on the topic 5G!
Source: ZKI

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Macros – Small word, big risk

March 10th, 2021 | by
Computer in close up

Source: Unsplash

Every now and then you hear and read about macros in Office applications, about documents in which macros are included. These are often sent by e-mail and can lead to dangerous security incidents.
Of course, RWTH Aachen University and the IT Center have taken security measures in this regard. But not everyone is aware of what macros actually are and how dangerous they are not only for private individuals but also for companies. In the following, we will inform you about the most important risks and explain how you can protect yourself.

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Mobile campus networks – implementation with WLAN or 5G

March 5th, 2021 | by

 What are mobile campus networks?

Mobile campus networks are characterised by locally or regionally limited network coverage and administration. Mostly, these networks are based on mobile radio technology and are usually used by industrial companies or university institutions for their individual needs and requirements. These networks are managed either by the company concerned, the university itself, a commissioned telecommunications operator or a network supplier. A combination is also possible.

Mobiles Campus-Netzwerk der RWTH Aachen

Mobile Campus-Network of RWTH Aachen University
Source: Own illustration

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(Deutsch) IT Center beweist ein Herz für Tiere

March 3rd, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

(Deutsch) Entspannt arbeiten mit klaren Strukturen – Organisation

March 1st, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.