
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Employees’

Many countries, many languages – one EC! The IT Center EM 2021 Riddle IV

June 18th, 2021 | by
Soccer on grass

Source: Pixabay

The 2021 European Championship has been in full swing for a week now and we have already seen one or two exciting matches as well as some controversial decisions.

It’s now half-time in the group stage. What do you think which of the 24 teams will win the group? Read the rest of this entry »

Online Remote Exams in Summer Semester 2021

June 17th, 2021 | by
Studierende/r am Laptop

Prüfungen von zu Hause schreiben im Sommersemester 2021
Source: Pixabay

Examinations at RWTH Aachen University can also be conducted as online remote exams in the summer semester 2021. For better capacity planning, teachers are requested to apply for their preferred remote examination platform in RWTHonline by 30.06.2021. This must also be done if the examinations initially continue to be scheduled in presence.

As in the winter semester 2020/21, the platforms Dynexite and temp-Moodle are available for online remote exams. Dynexite is the RWTH’s central examination system. temp-Moodle was introduced in the examination phase of the 2020/21 winter semester to ensure that the examination process runs smoothly. RWTHmoodle, which was also used for exams in the winter semester, is only available for teaching purposes in the summer semester. Exams are not conducted on this system.

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June 16th, 2021 | by
Homepage of the website

Welcome to the website of!
Source: IDM.NRW

Digital information and communication technologies are an essential part of our everyday lives. They are everywhere we go and help us in many different domains. Especially at universities, these technologies play an important role and support studies, teaching and research.

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Partner search for RWTH’s electronic services – The Partner-Procedure

June 14th, 2021 | by

Partner search for RWTH’s electronic services 
Source: Pixabay

Eduroam, e-mail, VPN, high-performance computing and many more. Students and employees can easily use the electronic services of RWTH Aachen University.
But is it as easy for visiting scientists, external doctoral students, cooperation partners as well as other external persons? Clearly yes! Read the rest of this entry »

Many countries, many languages – one EC! The IT Center EM 2021 Riddle III

June 11th, 2021 | by
Soccer on grass

Source: Pixabay

The endless wait is finally over – the European Championship 2021 starts tonight! The opening game will be played in the Olympic Stadium in Rome, the match between Italy and Turkey will kick off at 9 pm.

Have you already chilled beer, prepared snacks and decorated the apartment? Let the games begin

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GigaMove 2.0 – Exchanging large amounts of data

June 9th, 2021 | by
Arrows in both directions

Source: Pixabay

Everyone has experienced the following situation: having a print template, software packages, a photo archive or other large amounts of data and wanting to send them to others. Generally, email attachments are not suitable for data volumes of such size, and the exchange via an ftp server or other protocols is often not convenient and sometimes requires the installation of additional software.

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IT-SAD: IT Security Awareness Days 2021!

June 7th, 2021 | by
IT Security Awareness Days 2021: attend for free and without any registration

Online and without any registration – the IT Security Awareness Days 2021
Source: TU Braunschweig

Trustworthy IT infrastructure is essential these days, especially when it comes to IT security. But did you know that most cyber attacks take advantage of human vulnerabilities? Terms like social engineering and (spear-)fishing are becoming more and more popular. In other words, IT security is not limited to the implementation of a solid IT infrastructure. In fact, the human factor can be the greatest vulnerability. Accordingly, it is particularly crucial to involve every single user and to educate them about the various threats.

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Many countries, many languages – one EC! The IT Center EC 2021 Riddle II

June 4th, 2021 | by
Soccer on grass

Source: Pixabay

The countdown has started – today in one week the time has come: On 11.06.2021 the long-awaited European Championship 2021 will start!

You want to know when exactly the matches will be played and who is actually in the squad? Then check out the official website of UEFA – there you will always find the latest results! Read the rest of this entry »

Preparation is Key – Prepare Archive Nodes and Migrate without Worries

June 2nd, 2021 | by

Source: Own illustration

In fall, the archive nodes contained in the archive will be migrated. Until then, however, there is still a lot to do. While work is going on behind the scenes on the front end for the new Digital Archive and for the metadata form, among other things, we are also hard at work getting the new infrastructure up and running. But, for our node contacts, too, preparation is key. For this reason, we call on you to use the opportunity and the time until the migration to sift through archive nodes, prepare them if necessary, or even make the decision to part with data that is no longer needed or needs to be kept. In this article you will learn how to prepare your archive nodes for migration. Read the rest of this entry »

Happy Birthday, RWTHmoodle!

May 31st, 2021 | by

Source: Own illustration

Wow, RWTHmoodle is already two years old! On the occasion of this event, we would like to reminisce with you and give you a little preview of the future.

In recent years, digitization has also influenced the way we teach and learn: In addition to purely classroom-based courses with written scripts, as older semesters are still familiar with, digital learning concepts and course rooms are increasingly coming into focus. These are designed to complement existing face-to-face courses, make teaching interactive, and adapt learning to students’ requirements in terms of time. Read the rest of this entry »