
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Duales Studium’

Be Future: Fair for Young People

October 4th, 2023 | by
Partition wall of the IT Center at the Be Future fair

Source: Own illustration

In the past few days, the “Be Future” fair was once again held at the St. Ursula Gymnasium in Geilenkirchen. This fair offers a comprehensive insight into the wide range of career opportunities – be it university studies, dual course of studies or apprenticeships.
Since the first Be Future in 2006, more and more students have been visiting this fair and this time there were more exhibitors than ever before. Nearly 90 exhibitors were on hand to provide information to around 2,000 young people about what options are available after school and what to expext in a univeristy or apprenticeship.


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Welcome, New MATSE Trainees!

September 15th, 2023 | by
MATSE-Azubis essen und trinken

Source: Own Illustration

This year, we are pleased with the even three-figure MATSE growth! 103 prospective number crunchers have started their dual studies with integrated training as mathematical-technical software developers – MATSE for short.

The newcomers were welcomed at the MATSE beginners’ event on September 4 at the IT Center. The 6th of September also held exciting events in store for our first-year students.

To give you an impression, we have summarized the most important events in this blog post.


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This Was the Software Technology Fair 2023 in Aachen

March 6th, 2023 | by
Softwaremesse 2023

Source: FH Aachen

Finally the software technology fair could take place again in presence in the rooms of the IT Center. The prospective mathematical-technical software developers (MATSE) of the dual course of studies “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” of the University of Applied Sciences Aachen presented their project work in the SWT fair on the premises of the IT Center of the RWTH Aachen University on February 22, 2023. In the 3rd semester of the course, the fair and the presentation of the projects form the conclusion of the software engineering module for the dual trainees. Which projects were presented this year and what the MATSE trainees learned, you can read in this after report.

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