
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Feedback’

RWTHmoodle Usage Survey 2024

June 17th, 2024 | by
RWTHmoodle Logo

Source: Own Illustration

Take part and make a difference!
It’s that time again: The annual RWTHmoodle usage survey starts today on June 17, 2024 and runs until July 7, 2024. You have used RWTHmoodle and were authorized in at least one learning room in the summer semester 2023? Then you now have the opportunity to share your experiences with the system and give us valuable feedback. Together we can further improve RWTHmoodle and adapt the support services accordingly.

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Discover with us: The diversity of the IT Center!

November 17th, 2023 | by
Business man catches star

Source: Freepik

Hello knowledge explorers!

There is so much to explore in the almost infinite worlds of the IT Center. We want to share with you exactly what fascinates you the most on our IT Center blog.

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IT Center Satisfaction Survey 2022 – The Results Are In!

June 7th, 2023 | by
Feedback with emotions

Source: Freepik

In October and November 2022, we conducted our annual IT Center Satisfaction Survey, in which all members of the RWTH Aachen University were able to rate the services and support offered by the IT Center. In the survey, we also asked for your suggestions for improvements.

Over the past few years, your satisfaction with our services and support has increased steadily.


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IT Center Satisfaction Survey

March 3rd, 2023 | by

Comments and Answers

Hands on a laptop keyboard with satisfaction survey logo

Source: Freepik

Some of you participated in the satisfaction survey and gave us a few suggestions.
Many thanks for that!

We gladly take up your points and explain to you:

  • what can you do in case of possible problems,
  • which things unfortunately cannot be changed at the moment,
  • and above all: which problems will soon be solved by new services.

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Deactivation of the Feedback-Function

August 31st, 2022 | by


Feedback written with chalk on a blackboard

Source: Pixabay

As we already know, everything has an end at some point.

So does our ticket feedback. After more than a year of testing, it’s time to say goodbye to our feedback function.

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Feedback on the Beta Version of the RWTHapp 2.0

June 24th, 2022 | by
Cat at mobile phone with app

Source: Own illustration

As part of the beta test, you had the opportunity to test the new RWTHapp in advance in mid-May – which around 3,000 of you did diligently. With the help of your feedback, we are now continuing to work on the app, which is expected to be ready for launch in the course of the coming winter semester 2022/2023 and will accompany you through your daily university life.

Of course, we do not want to deprive you of the results of the beta test and have summarized them for you in this report. Read the rest of this entry »

#letstalkaboutIT – What Topics are you most Interested in?

May 30th, 2022 | by

Source: Pixabay

With our postings, we would like to achieve exactly one thing:

To inform you about the latest information about the services of the IT Center and to share valuable tips and tricks with you.

But what are you most interested in?

Let us know!

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RWTHapp 2.0 – Test the Beta Version now!

May 9th, 2022 | by
RWTHApp auf dem Smartphone

A little sneak peak for you
Source: Own illustration

The relaunch of the RWTHapp is getting closer and closer! In November and December 2021, you already had the opportunity to put the alpha version of the RWTHapp 2.0 through its paces and give us your feedback.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for your active participation – your feedback was and is enormously important for the further development of the app and has shown us in one or two places where exactly there is still a need for optimization.

Based on your feedback, we have turned the RWTHapp upside down again and made further adjustments. Now we would like to give you the chance to test the beta version of the new RWTHapp. Read the rest of this entry »

RWTHonline Survey 2021 for Employees – Results are online!

April 14th, 2022 | by
Diagrams, reports, graphs

Source: Freepik

In August and September 2021, we conducted a RWTHonline survey for employees that focused on the user-friendliness of RWTHonline from a technical perspective. This survey was aimed at staff of the faculties and central university administration who regularly work with RWTHonline.

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IT Center Satisfaction Survey 2021 – Your opinion counts!

October 20th, 2021 | by
Laptop with Feedback Screen

Source: Freepik

This week our IT Center Satisfaction Survey started. This survey is aimed at all people who use the services of the IT Center. In order to continuously improve the quality of services and support through our various communication channels, we conduct a satisfaction survey every year. The survey is anonymous.

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