
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Hochleistungsrechnen’

HPC Landing Page: High Performance Computing

May 15th, 2024 | by

High Performance Computing (HPC) at RWTH Aachen University acts as a central building block to support the simulation sciences by enabling the development of scalable algorithms and software. Of central importance for innovation in business and society, RWTH High Performance Computing offers various services and research opportunities based on a first-class infrastructure. This means that HPC applications can be executed efficiently and in a scalable manner and large amounts of data can be processed securely and quickly.

Implementation is supported by projects such as JARA, HPC.NRW and, in particular, the National High Performance Computing Center for Computational Engineering Science (NHR4CES). You can read more under the category HPCnews on our blog.


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HPC Intro and PPCES 2023

February 15th, 2023 | by
Gäste der Veranstaltung sitzen im Seminarraum mit ihrem Rechner

Source: Own illustration

From March 13 – March 17, 2023, we will continue the tradition and open our doors again for the Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science seminar, PPCES for short, as well as the Introduction to High-Performance Computing 2023.

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NHR4CES – In a New Design

September 26th, 2022 | by
Visualization Network

Source: NHR4CES


In order to focus on the strengths of the collaboration between RWTH Aachen University and Darmstadt University of Technology and to put the goals of NHR4CES in the spotlight, a redesign of its website has been carried out over the last few months. We are very pleased to introduce you to this project and its website as well as the new features added in the process.


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Happy Programmer’s Day!

September 14th, 2022 | by
Woman who is programming

Source: Pixabay

On September 13, 2022, the world celebrates the annual International Programmer’s Day. In this blog post, we’ll tell you what this holiday is all about, which country it originated in, and how programming works at RWTH Aachen University.

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A high-performance alliance
Association for National High Performance Computing founded

September 10th, 2021 | by
Eight men smile at the camera

The representatives of the founding members (from left to right): Dr. Thorsten Reimann, Prof. Gerhard Wellein, Prof. Wolfgang Nagel, Prof. Ramin Yahyapour, Prof. Christof Schütte, Prof. Martin Frank, Prof. Christian Plessl, Prof. Matthias S. Müller
Source: NHR-Verein

On August 23, 2021, eight computing centers of universities or university alliances came together and founded the Association for National High Performance Computing – NHR-Verein e. V..

The association ensures coordination among each other and the supra-regional, sustainable and resource-efficient use of computing capacity and expertise. The foundation of the association focuses on the achievement of essential goals in National High Performance Computing (NHR).

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