
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘RWTH Aachen’

A Look Behind the Scenes of Apprenticeship – Part I

July 24th, 2024 | by
Green traffic sign with learning imprint in different directions

Source: pixabay

After Daniel Malenkovic successfully completed his apprenticeship as a dialog marketing specialist at the IT Center in February 2024, we were delighted to welcome another graduate in June: Yasin Kalem.

After three years of hard work, he too has finally achieved his goal. But what was it like for him? What did he do with us, how did he feel and what’s next for him?

That’s exactly what we asked him and we take a look at his journey with us in a one-to-one interview.


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25th Anniversary of the VR Group

November 15th, 2023 | by

Source: Own illustration

For a quarter of a century now, our VR group has been researching the various possible applications of virtual reality (VR) at RWTH Aachen University.

We are celebrating – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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Changing Shared User Data When Logging in to Services

November 10th, 2023 | by

Source: Freepik

Currently you are being asked for your consent when logging in to services.

Why is this happening? is a project of the Digital University NRW. The aim is to lighten the effort for universities to access and provide services to each other throughout NRW.

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