Schlagwort: ‘RWTH’
The IT Center Picture Puzzle – Solution of the 1st Puzzle!
Well? Did you guess the word “administration”? If yes – then congratulations, the puzzle was quite tricky!
Fit in the Homeoffice – Our Tips for Staying Fit

Source: Pexels
How healthy do we actually live in the home office or even through the word “New Work” coined by the ongoing change in the working world?” In this article, we would like to give you some valuable tips on how to stay fit in the homeoffice, in order to provide you with new motivation for healthier exercise behaviour in the home office.
IT Center participation in the MyScore project
As the central IT facility of RWTH Aachen University, the IT Center is participating in the RWTH project Mobility System Cooperation in Higher Education, MyScore for short. The MyScore project, which started in 2019 and is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), aims to shape the digitalisation of international university cooperation and student mobility of tomorrow.