

12. DEGA-Symposium „Interdisciplinary Topics in Acoustics“

05. September 2018 | von

Many thanks to all who took part in the symposium on „Interdisciplinary Topics in Acoustics: Physiology and Virtual Reality“ in Aachen.

It was an interesting and horizon-opening conference.
You can download the final program here:

The 12 DEGA symposium with the title ”Interdisciplinary topics in Acoustics: Physiology and virtual reality” has the goal to connect researchers and scientists working in the fields of physiological and virtual acoustics. These two fields have both, a high relevance for society and a huge potential for application and innovation, supported by increasing rate of technological development. A basic understanding of the physiological basis of sound processing is not only required to develop novel technologies, but also required to tackle the increasing challenge of hearing impairment in our society.

New developments in the field of virtual acoustics allow, besides novel applications in audio industry, to generate and control complex sound fields with high precision required in scientific experiments. These two fields together bear the potential to make large progress in the understanding of signal processing in the auditory system of humans, way beyond classical approaches.

The program is organized by the technical committee of Hearing Acoustics of DEGA.
Coordination: Janina Fels and Bastian Epp

A few impressions from the symposium:

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