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Dushi: Internship with HEAD acoustics GmbH

2022-11-11 @ 11:30 - 12:00

The colloquium talk will be about my duties and activities during my industrial internship at the company HEAD acoustics GmbH. It will focus on the two main projects I worked on. In the first project, the goal was the realistic reproduction of reverberation in the receiving direction meaning from the device loudspeaker(s) to the ears of the listener in hands-free mode. Such reproduction is realized in an anechoic chamber for different microphone configurations using ETSI TS 103 224 (commercially available as 3PASS- reverb). In the second project, the task was to define a standardized procedure for determining the ear-cap reference point for handsets featuring non-traditional earpieces i.e. devices that use an under-display top speaker to deliver stereo sound, when it is not determined by the manufacturer.

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Zoom-Meeting-ID: 971 4690 0052
Passwort: 041643



11:30 - 12:00


IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid)
Kopernikusstr. 5
Aachen, 52074 Deutschland
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