This year, the 2020 Talk Lehre conference is taking place amid unique circumstances. Initially planned for June 17, 2020, the event has now been rescheduled to take place virtually on November 12, 2020, from 1 to 5pm.
The main focus will be on the digitalization of teaching and learning in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The event aims to show what has worked well in e-teaching so far, where the pitfalls lie, what is being discussed controversially, and which ideas and concepts can be built on in the future.
The main event and supporting program will take place in the blue breakout room. At the same time, teachers and students will present projects, concepts, and best practice examples from their faculties and departments in various lectures and live demonstrations in the green, orange, and violett breakout rooms, showing how quality teaching is already delivered in the digital age. With the “DigiFellowship 2020” and “DigiFellow student award,” RWTH is happy to present two innovative concepts that are specifically promoted within the framework of university-wide competitions. As in the years past, the RWTH Lecturer title will be awarded to select junior lecturers who have distinguished themselves through their outstanding teaching activities and simultaneous commitment to excellent research.
Finally, after a short introductory keynote lecture, Talk Lehre will venture a look at what is ahead for teaching and learning in 2021 in an open discussion round. For example, we will be talking about how we might want to teach and learn in the future, how the work of university educators can be structured, or where we as a university community are headed.
There will be ample opportunity to ask questions in all sessions, join in the discussion, and exchange ideas. The event agenda can be viewed here:
Please register by November 10, so we can plan ahead.:
For more information, please refer to the Talk Lehre homepage (