Following the six-week closure resulting from lockdown measures, Studierendenwerk Aachen is now resuming operations at Mensa Academica. They are planning to sell two different takeout dishes to students and university employees on weekdays from 11:30am to 3 pm, starting Monday, February 8. the daily choices include one vegetarian and one meat-based dish.
As in previous months, only students and employees of the four Aachen universities who can prove their university affiliation are eligible to access the dining hall. All necessary precautions and hygiene measures will be observed in the dining hall. For the time being, it will not be possible to eat or drink inside the building, on the terraces, nor in the outdoor area.
Studierendenwerk is opening the dining hall at the request of AStA, among others, which has pointed out that students in need urgently require low-cost food provision. In order to avoid large crowds, all guests are asked to only take advantage of this offer if they truly need to.
The so-called “Freitisch” rule, which provides students who can prove they are in need with free meals, will also come into effect again. The relevant information can be found on the RWTH and FH Aachen websites.