
IT Center Blog

RWTHmoodle – Results of This Year’s User Survey

August 22nd, 2022 | by
Hashtag moodle monday

Source: Own Illustration

This summer semester, RWTHmoodle users once again had the chance to evaluate the system and its associated services.

The user survey started in June 2022. 37.300 people who actively used at least one course room in the summer semester 2022 were asked to participate in the RWTHmoodle user survey. 1.820 users complied with this request.

First insights into the results

RWTHmoodle was evaluated on the basis of German school grades from 1 (very good) to 5 (poor). If we look at the overall evaluation, we can see that satisfaction with the platform has generally increased (2020: 1.92; 2021: 2.29; 2022: 1.97).

The reliability or availability of the system is also rated with a positive tendency. While users in 2021 tended to agree with the statement “RWTHmoodle is often unavailable” (mean 3.28), users this year rate the statement as neutral (mean 2.44).

Likewise, the statement “Overall, RWTHmoodle is reliable” was rated with a positive increasing tendency compared to the previous year (2021: mean value 3.21; 2022: mean value, 3.63).

View the complete results online

Are you interested in the results of the user survey and would you like detailed information on the results?

You can find all results on our Website. (the results are only available in German) There you can also find the results of the previous surveys.

Responsible for the content of this article is Dana Jahn.


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