
IT Center Blog

Reopening of Printing Service and IT-ServiceDesk

October 7th, 2020 | by

***16.10.2020. Important note! Change of editorial office: The IT-ServiceDeks of the IT Center will open on Tuesday, 20.10.2020. All information can be found in the blog post about the reopening***

Soon it will be time for the IT Center’s print service and IT-ServiceDesk to reopen for personal contact. Although this is only partially and under certain conditions due to Covid-19, we are pleased to inform you that we will soon be able to support you again in personal contact.

Part of the reopening are the Printing Service at Seffenter Weg 23 and the IT-ServiceDesk at the same location.

Soon on site for you again! The IT-ServiceDesk and the Printing Service open for personal contact at Seffenter Weg 23.

Source: Pixabay

Printing Service open from 12.10.2020

The Print Service is open again from 12.10.2020. In the time from 09:00am to 12:00am it is possible to pick up print jobs on site at Seffenter Weg 23 after booking an appointment. With the confirmation e-mail that the print job can be picked up, you will receive access to the appointment planning tool for the Printing Service. More information will follow this week.

IT-ServiceDesk open from 19.10.2020

The IT-ServiceDesk in the service building at Seffenter Weg 23 opens one week later. From 19.10.2020, you can again take advantage of personal on-site support after booking an appointment. Please note, however, that for hygienic reasons no installations can be made on your equipment.

The opening hours are Monday to Friday between 07:30 and 16:00 and only after appointment booking. So please book an appointment for your needs online in time. Further information and links are coming soon.

More information about scheduling and Co.

DFN certificate applications can be handed in at Seffenter Weg 23 after successful appointment booking. Information on DFN Ceritification applications can be looked up in our blog post from 24.06.2020.

All further information about the reopening of the Printing Service and IT-ServiceDesk as well as access to the corresponding scheduling tools will be available soon here on the IT Center Blog and on our social media channels shortly.

Responsible for the content of this article are Nicole Filla and Christian Reuters.


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