
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Events, Anniversarys & Success’

Community Meeting of Moodle.NRW

April 17th, 2024 | by
Harald Schnurbusch stands in front of the slides during his presentation.

Source: Own illustration
Harald Schnurbusch at the presentation “Exam Scan – Digital insight for paper-pencil exams”

After the Moodle university meeting at the University of Leipzig in March, the competence centers and Moodle.NRW jointly invited to a community meeting at the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) on April 10. The meeting was aimed at all those involved in the use and development of the Moodle or ILIAS learning platforms at their university or other educational institutions. Colleagues from the “Service & Communication” department also accepted the invitation and are happy to report on the gathering here.

In addition to the opportunity to exchange ideas with other participants in personal discussions, a total of 16 sessions were held on various topics relating to the platforms and the design of digital teaching. RWTH Aachen University was also involved with a presentation. As in Leipzig, Harald Schnurbusch from the Center for Teaching and Learning Services (CLS) presented the Moodle plugin Exam Scan developed at RWTH.

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PPCES – HPC is in the air in spring!

April 12th, 2024 | by

Source: Own illustration

The PPCES (Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science) has been held at the IT Center since 2001 and has been a great success!

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#RWTHWelcomeWeek for the Summer Semester 2024 – On Site for You!

April 8th, 2024 | by
Students at a stand

Source: Own illustration

RWTH Aachen University once again welcomed new students for the summer semester 2024 with the traditional Welcome Week! This series of events is an excellent opportunity, especially for international students, to get to know the services and processes at RWTH Aachen University.

The IT Center was also there again on April 3, 2024 and was live on site at the Freshers’ Fair as part of the Welcome Week to answer your questions. In the following blog post, we report on the successful exchanges with the students.


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World Backup Day: Security Through Data Backup

March 27th, 2024 | by
Person holding laptop with cloud icons in background

Source: Freepik

March 31st is World Backup Day – a day to remind us how important it is to protect our digital data. In an increasingly connected world where our personal and business data is stored digitally, backing up this data is crucial to protect it from loss or cyber threats.

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Five Years of RWTHmoodle

March 25th, 2024 | by
Lettering 5 years RWTHmoodle in speech bubble

Source: Own illustration

With the go live of RWTHmoodle on March 5, 2019, a milestone was reached in the digitization strategy for teaching. This strategy provides for the development and implementation of digitalization concepts for excellent teaching. Among other things, the required system should be able to adapt to constantly changing requirements.

In the following blog post, you can read how the Moodle instance came to RWTH and what we have already experienced with it.


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Review: VI-HPS Porting & Tuning Workshop 2024

March 11th, 2024 | by

Source: Own illustration

What happened to the well-known aiXcelerate event this year? Well, who noticed?

The VI-HPS Porting & Tuning Workshop 2024 took place at the end of February! This workshop compensated for the aiXcelerate 2023, which did not take place.

That’s why we’re reporting on this year’s VI-HPS Porting & Tuning Workshop in the following blog post.

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Review of the SWT Fair 2024

March 1st, 2024 | by
SWT Fair

Source: Own Illustration

On February 16, 2024, the IT Center opened its doors again for the Software Technology Fair, which is the highlight of the Software Technology module for the dual students of the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science degree program. The prospective mathematical-technical software developers (MATSE) had the opportunity to proudly present their practical projects.

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Reason to Celebrate – The DKZ.2R Has Started

February 21st, 2024 | by
Logo of the Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy (DKZ.2R)

Source: Forschungszentrum Jülich

We are celebrating the launch of the Rhine-Ruhr Center for Scientific Data Literacy (DKZ.2R)! The overarching goal of the Rhine-Ruhr Data Competence Center is to offer researchers a space to support their projects and build methodological expertise in data science, high performance computing (HPC), research data management (RDM) and machine learning.

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Carnival Celebration at the IT Center 2024

February 19th, 2024 | by
Colorful baked goods with icing and IT Center Alaaf topping

Source: Own illustration

The highlight of the carnival season – Fat Thursday or Weiberfastnacht – was also duly heralded at the IT Center. Many look forward to this day all year round and on February 8, 2024, it finally happened!

On this day, the IT Center’s employees met in their most colorful costumes in the foyer of the IT-ServiceDesk at Seffenter Weg 23 to celebrate the fifth season. From 10:30 am, the departments arrived one by one and the carnival party could get started!

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Romance Without Risk: IT Security

February 14th, 2024 | by
Two vectors hugging

Source: Freepik

Valentine’s Day, a time of love and affection, brings with it not only romantic gestures but also potential online threats. In a world where digital connections are just as important as personal relationships; it is crucial to protect your own data.

In this article, you can find out how to order flowers online, buy Valentine’s Day gifts and use online dating platforms while staying digitally safe. Take care, friends!

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