
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Interviews & Surveys’

Onboarding – Digital and with heart

December 22nd, 2021 | by
Two women and a man in a video conference smile at the camera

Sarah und Philipp in interview
Source: Own illustration

On board in the CSE department

Philipp and Sarah support the Computational Science & Engineering department of the IT Center, or CSE in short. In this interview, they tell us how they experienced their first time at the IT Center, how the digital onboarding went and what tasks their job entails. Read the rest of this entry »

Giveaway – IT Center User Satisfaction Survey

December 10th, 2021 | by
Local gifts - the gift voucher for the whole city

Source: Schenk-Lokal

Today, we have announced our giveaway for the IT Center User Satisfaction Survey 2021.

This year, 15 “Aachen Schenkt” vouchers worth EUR15 each were raffled off.

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Onboarding – Digital and with Heart

December 8th, 2021 | by
A woman and two men in a video conference smile at the camera

Sascha and Nils in interview
Source: Eigene Darstellung

An interview with our house spokesmen

Sascha and Nils have been house spokesmen for the IT Center for several years and represent the interests of the workforce. They act as a mouthpiece for the management and are a trusted contact person for employees’ questions and problems. Read the rest of this entry »

Onboarding – Digital and with heart

November 10th, 2021 | by
two women in a video conference smile at the camera

Nadina Binz in interview
Source: Own illustration

Onboarding in the Systems & Operations department

Nadja has been part of the Identity Management and Software group in the IT Center’s Systems & Operations department since April 1. In this interview, she tells us how she experienced her first time at the IT Center and how her induction went. Read the rest of this entry »

Onboarding – Digital and with Heart

October 27th, 2021 | by
Screenshot of the learning toom in RWTHmoodle

The Incorporation-Team in interview
Source: Own illustration

The onboarding concept of the Service & Communication department

In order to successfully bring new employees on board, the IT Center’s Service & Communication department has introduced a mentoring concept. Read the interview to find out how the concept is structured and why it has proven successful. Read the rest of this entry »

IT Center Satisfaction Survey 2021 – Your opinion counts!

October 20th, 2021 | by
Laptop with Feedback Screen

Source: Freepik

This week our IT Center Satisfaction Survey started. This survey is aimed at all people who use the services of the IT Center. In order to continuously improve the quality of services and support through our various communication channels, we conduct a satisfaction survey every year. The survey is anonymous.

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Onboarding – Digital and with heart – Network connects – you, us and the RWTH

October 15th, 2021 | by
Zwei Männer und eine Frau in einer Videokonferenz lächeln in die Kamera

Thomas Völl and Mirko Bollenberg during interview
Source: Own illustration

Mirko Bollenberg and Thomas Völl work as a team in the IT Center’s technical field service. For almost four years, the two have been traveling to university-wide assignments and, together with their colleagues, maintaining and expanding the RWTH’s communications infrastructure. In this interview, they tell us what their day-to-day work looks like, what tasks the “Networks” department is responsible for, and how the pandemic is affecting field support.


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Onboarding – Digitally and with Heart

September 29th, 2021 | by
Two women and a man in a video conference smile at the camera

Xuan Nguyen and Patrick Wawoczy in interview
Source: Own illustration

On board in financial management

Patrick Wawoczy has been working in financial management at the IT Center since April 1 and Xuan Nguyen since May 1. In this interview, the two tell us how they experienced their first time at the IT Center, how their induction went and what it’s like to get to know their colleagues digitally. Read the rest of this entry »

Onboarding – Digitally and with Heart
Successfully onboarding employees

September 15th, 2021 | by
Two women in a video conference smile at the camera

Nicole Kaminski interviewed as mentor for new employees
Source: Own illustration

Nicole Kaminski is deputy group leader of the Marketing & Events group at the IT Center. She regularly accompanies new employees as they start their new jobs. In this interview, she tells us more about the responsibilities of the mentor role and the onboarding process in the Service & Communications department. Read the rest of this entry »

Onboarding – digital and with heart

August 30th, 2021 | by
Two women in a video conference smile at the camera

Arlinda Ujkani in interview
Source: Own illustration

On board in the Marie Group

Arlinda Ujkani has been working at the IT Center in the Service and Communication department since April 1. She supports the Marketing and Event Management group there with her knowledge of the field and is responsible in particular for the marketing of research data management. Her job interview was already conducted digitally and she was aware from the beginning that she would be trained digitally. In the interview Arlinda tells us in the interview what she experienced during her induction and how she got to know colleagues digitally.

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