
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Studies & Teaching’

Everything is new in M(a)icrosoft – Part 2

April 8th, 2021 | by

Source: Pixabay

May is coming and with it the information. In the first part of this article, we already reported on the upcoming changes due to the university framework agreement. What this means for you and what will change, you will learn today in the second part.

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temp-Moodle is ready for take-off!

April 7th, 2021 | by

Please note that temp-Moodle will no longer be available for exams as of the winter semester 2021/2022. On April 04, 2022 this temporary Moodle instance will be permanently deleted. Information about electronic exams at RWTH Aachen University can be found in IT Center Help. (*)

Next week the time has come: From 12th April 2021 RWTHmoodle will only be available for lectures. Take Home Exams will be conducted exclusively on the additional temporary Moodle instance (temp-Moodle). Our goal is to ensure a smooth teaching operation of the summer semester 2021 as well as the outstanding examination operation of the winter semester 2020/21. Since 6th April 2021, the temp-Moodle platform is now available to you.

Homepage temp-Moodle

Welcome to temp-Moodle!
Source: Own illustration


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12th April 2021

March 31st, 2021 | by

Please note that temp-Moodle will no longer be available for exams as of the winter semester 2021/2022. On April 04, 2022 this temporary Moodle instance will be permanently deleted. Information about electronic exams at RWTH Aachen University can be found in IT Center Help. (*)

12th April plays a particularly important role this year:

  • End of the Easter vacations in NRW
  • Start of lecture period summer semester 2021 at RWTH Aachen University
  • Start of the Take Home Exams via temp-Moodle at RWTH Aachen University

But what do these three things have in common?

Source: Own illustration

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RWTHmoodle – Setting up a download option for videos on the streaming server

March 22nd, 2021 | by

Source: Pixabay

You are on the road and want to watch the lecture recording, but you don’t have internet? You want to watch a digital lecture, but the video takes forever to load because your internet connection is not sufficient? Or do you as a lecturer want to offer your students the possibility to watch a video independently from RWTHmoodle?

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Our FAQs for Students about RWTHonline

February 10th, 2021 | by

The semester is almost over and now it’s time again: the exam period starts.

But where can I actually see all the information about my exams? How do I cancel an exam if it becomes a bit too much? What happens if I don’t show up? And where can I see the next dates? So many questions and so little time!

Examination period and FAQs for students

Source: Pixabay

We can’t help you study, but we can bring some light on questions about registration, withdrawal, viewing grades, and much more that is possible in RWTHonline. Therefore, we have updated our FAQ for students. Most of the technical questions have already been answered and you can fully concentrate on your exams. If you have any doubts, we will be happy to help you personally.

Please also note the following organizational information regarding your upcoming exams.

At this point, we wish you good luck for all upcoming exams in the coming exam period. Together we can do it!

Responsible for the content of this article is Stéphanie Bauens.

#moodletrouble – Emergency Management at the IT Center

December 21st, 2020 | by

Probably no one who was involved in teaching missed it: At the beginning of the semester, there was something fishy about RWTHmoodle. The RWTH‘s teaching and learning platform had to deal with disruptions, overloads, and downtimes. Especially in a predominantly digital semester, it was of course crucial to stabilize the system and ensure trouble-free teaching again. Such significant disruptions naturally require special measures, so for the first time the “emergency situation” was declared in the IT Center.

View of the information page about current events in RWTHmoodle.

This is what it looks like: The information page about current events in the RWTHmoodle area.
Source: Own illustration

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RWTHonline Survey 2020 for Students

December 16th, 2020 | by

This summer, the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University surveyed students for the first time on a larger scale about their opinion of RWTHonline. Students were asked about user satisfaction and concrete usability of RWTHonline, the technical support provided by the IT Center and the new RWTHonline support form. The current overall rating of RWTHonline was also evaluated.

Tablet mit 5 Sternen

The results are in! Many thanks to all students who participated in the RWTHonline Survey 2020!
Source: Pixabay

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RWTHmoodle and alot of questions???

December 7th, 2020 | by

You may know it. You are new as a freshman at RWTH Aachen University or you come from another university and you are flooded with a huge amount of information and impressions, so that you quickly lose track. And then you also have to deal with the organization of your studies and the teaching and learning platform RWTHmoodle. Today we will try to solve some of the questions that might be hidden behind RWTHmoodle to make the start of your studies at RWTH Aachen University a little easier.


Source: Pixabay

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H5P becomes part of the Moodle core

November 23rd, 2020 | by

H5P is a plugin for existing learning platforms, such as RWTHmoodle, that allows users to create interactive content for their learning spaces, including interactive videos, presentations, games, quizzes and more. Since Moodle version 3.9 H5P is now part of the Moodle core and also part of RWTHmoodle.

Homepage RWTHmoodle

Welcome to RWTHmoodle!
Source: Own illustration

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(Deutsch) MATSE-Bestenehrung 2020 – Wir gratulieren!

November 18th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.