
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Employees’

RWTHonline Survey 2021 for Employees – Results are online!

April 14th, 2022 | by
Diagrams, reports, graphs

Source: Freepik

In August and September 2021, we conducted a RWTHonline survey for employees that focused on the user-friendliness of RWTHonline from a technical perspective. This survey was aimed at staff of the faculties and central university administration who regularly work with RWTHonline.

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The Archive Migration – What has Happened so far…

April 13th, 2022 | by
Typewriter with paper "Update

Source: Pixabay

The archive migration is an important step in the transition of long-term data storage at RWTH Aachen University. Whereas research data can be archived on the Coscine integration platform, the DigitalArchive provides long-term storage for data without a research context.

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New Participant Management in RWTHmoodle

April 11th, 2022 | by
Handy on a tablet with "Latest Update"

Source: Freepik

Whether it’s a new coat of paint on the wall, a new favourite shirt, or a new haircut. At some point, everyone needs a change. Therefore, the design of the participant management in RWHTmoodle has also changed.

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The IT Center Picture Puzzle: Finance, Human Resources & Organizational Support Department

April 6th, 2022 | by
Interview photo with FPO Department

Source: Own illustration

#MeetMeMittwoch: Recently, we started our series “The IT Center Picture Puzzle” and you were asked to form a word from four pictures that stand for a department of the IT Center.

The word we were looking for “administration” has already been uncovered, but you can read and discover about the corresponding interview, the introduction to the Finance, Human Resources & Organizational Support (FPO) department as well as exciting insights from the head of department Sarina Franzen and the deputy head of department Axel Taraschewski in this blog post! 🙂

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Facelift 2022 – The IT Center Blog Relaunch

April 4th, 2022 | by
Announcement photo with orange ribbon

Announcement for our blog relaunch
Source: Own illustration

NOW ONLINE! Since 2015, we have been providing you with useful information about our IT services for your studies or your work at RWTH Aachen University on our blog. With fun & facts on various topics, we lighten up your everyday life at university. After seven years, a relaunch was due and our beloved blog got a facelift. What changes can you see?

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April 1st, 2022 | by
Symbolic image for #ITbites

Quelle: Eigene Darstellung

In social media and on the Internet in general, there are thousands of tricks and creative solutions to make everyday life easier – so-called lifehacks.

We also want to provide you with helpful tips from the IT sector and thus simplify your everyday work. Shortcuts, tutorials, tips and tricks – that and much more awaits you in our new series #ITbites, which we launched in February 2022 for and with you. Read the rest of this entry »

Our Dialog Marketing Trainees
A Look Behind the Scenes

March 30th, 2022 | by
Five trainees smile at the camera

The Trainees for Dialogue Marketing
Source: Own Illustration

As a provider of education and training in the StädteRegion Aachen, the IT Center offers education and training positions for various professions. The trainees for dialogue marketing are primarily trained in the department “Service & Communication” and support the IT-ServiceDesk in 1st-level support by telephone, in person and in writing. Support is one of the main tasks of the trainees. In addition, however, you will also be given special tasks, write technical reports and work on projects. The administrative part of the training is facilitated and ensured by in the Finance, Human Resources & Organizational Support department. The trainees are deployed there for nine weeks. Read the rest of this entry »

The new Quick Guide for RWTHmoodle

March 28th, 2022 | by
Screenshot of Quick Guide

Source: Own illustration

RWTHmoodle is the central teaching and learning platform of RWTH Aachen University. In order to help new and prospective lecturers quickly familiarize themselves with the use of RWTHmoodle and the most important functions for the start with the platform, we have created a Quick Guide for the introduction to RWTHmoodle. This Guide leads new employees through the most important instructions that are particularly helpful for working with RWTHmoodle.

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Macros – E-mail Filtering at RWTH

March 25th, 2022 | by
Screen with 2 ladybugs, gear and envelope

Source: Pixabay

E-mails are a major gateway for cyberattacks. These attacks are no longer isolated incidents and are part of our everyday life. Especially the spreading of malware through attached documents with macros are very popular among cyber criminals. These macros can for example contain hidden malware. If the recipient activates these macros when opening the document, any malicious software they may contain can cause great damage. For this reason, a protection mechanism for e-mail macro filtering was installed for the RWTH e-mail service on November 16, 2021. Office documents are the most used, but also PDFs, e.g. containing form fields. Read the rest of this entry »

SQL Injection: Databases Attacks

March 23rd, 2022 | by
Medical syringe

Source: Pixabay

Database systems are essential in many aspects. They allow large amounts of data to be organized, read and stored for the long term. The field of application of database systems is vast and so is the amount of personal data stored in them. For example, banks and insurance companies use databases to structure and store account information and information relating to accounting transactions. Every time we search for a product in a web store, we access a specific database, and our user data, such as login information, is also stored in databases. At best, these sensitive data are encrypted. The effort required to build and maintain these electronic databases is great – but the biggest challenge is to ensure their security. One of the greatest threats to these databases and the data they contain are so-called code injections. Read the rest of this entry »