
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Employees’

Would You Like a Little Touch Up? – RWTHmoodle is Now in the Version 3.11

September 3rd, 2021 | by
Screenshot of a RWTHmoodle courseroom

Source: RWTHmoodle

Like every year, we gave RWTHmoodle a little touch up this summer: On August 25, the teaching and learning platform was updated to version 3.11.

This update comes with some visual and functional innovations for the users.

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Macros – Our Measures For Your Security

September 1st, 2021 | by
Illustration data theft

Photo: Freepik

***Change of editorial department on 02.11.2021***

E-mails are often misused for phishing attempts and to spread malware. Especially emails with file attachments should be checked critically. In our first article on macros, we explained what macros are and why they can be dangerous. In today’s article, you will learn what precautions are now being taken, what alternative options are available for sending documents, and what precautions you can take to protect yourself from files with dangerous macros. Read the rest of this entry »

Onboarding – digital and with heart

August 30th, 2021 | by
Two women in a video conference smile at the camera

Arlinda Ujkani in interview
Source: Own illustration

On board in the Marie Group

Arlinda Ujkani has been working at the IT Center in the Service and Communication department since April 1. She supports the Marketing and Event Management group there with her knowledge of the field and is responsible in particular for the marketing of research data management. Her job interview was already conducted digitally and she was aware from the beginning that she would be trained digitally. In the interview Arlinda tells us in the interview what she experienced during her induction and how she got to know colleagues digitally.

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The CLAIX Annual Report for 2020 is online!

August 27th, 2021 | by
Annual review

Source: Own illustration

The CLAIX annual report for 2020 has been published. Which projects were mastered and computed with the help of the computing cluster despite difficult global times are reflected in the detailed CLAIX Annual Report. The HPC office of the IT Center invites you to read it. Read the rest of this entry »

RWTHonline Survey 2021 – Your Opinion Matters!

August 25th, 2021 | by
Workstation with laptop, tablet, glasses, documents and coffee cup

Source: Freepik

This week we launched our new RWTHonline Survey 2021 for Employees, which takes a look at the user-friendliness of RWTHonline from a technical perspective. The survey is designed for staff of the faculties and the central university administration who regularly work with RWTHonline. Read the rest of this entry »

How can I recognize trustworthy websites?

August 23rd, 2021 | by

Source: Pixabay

Surfing the Internet is part of our everyday lives. Both in our private lives and at work, we are using the World Wide Web. We visit websites to inform ourselves, to communicate and even to shop. In the process, data from your own device will automatically be transferred to the website you are visiting and vice versa. When surfing, you should therefore critically inspect every website you visit. Just like in the real world, there are safe places on the Internet and places that you should avoid for your own safety. Nevertheless, how can you judge a website correctly and how can you distinguish between a trustworthy and an untrustworthy website? The following criteria should help you! Read the rest of this entry »

Unmotivated during your work at home? Our top 5 tips to boost your motivation!

August 20th, 2021 | by
Arbeiten am PC

Source: Pixabay

Over the past year, much of the population has spent more time than usual in their own homes: lockdown, quarantine, homeschooling. Public life has been scaled down and working from home has become commonplace for many professionals. But how do you stay motivated in a home office? We asked our team and share our tips and tricks with you. Read the rest of this entry »

Onboarding – digital and with heart

August 18th, 2021 | by
Two women in a video conference smile at the camera

Tanja Wittpoth-Richter interview on digital job interviews
Source: Own illustration

Digital job interview – convince from home

Since last March, job interviews at the IT Center have been conducted digitally. Tanja Wittpoth-Richter has been group leader of the Marketing and Event Management group at the IT Center since August 2018. As an experienced manager, digital job interviews also mean a change for her, This is not always easy. Tanja tells us in this interview how she reacts to the new situation and is still able to judge whether the applicants fit into the team. Read the rest of this entry »

The GitLab Project LifeCycle goes into the second round

August 16th, 2021 | by
Symbol image: A circle of arrows.

Source: Pixabay

GitLab is used at RWTH Aachen University with pleasure and actively. However, after projects have been processed, a lot of data often accumulates that is no longer used. To prevent a mountain of data waste from piling up in GitLab, a Project LifeCycle for RWTH was designed and introduced at the IT Center. In March 2021, it went live.

In the first few weeks, we received a number of suggestions and requests for adjustments to the process from users. So that these could be examined in detail by the responsible department, the GitLab Project LifeCycle was paused for the time being.

The review and revision phase has now been completed. In this article, we present the adjustments made with the help of the feedback.

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Project Lecture Hall 4.0
Optimal teaching and learning experiences in the lecture halls

August 13th, 2021 | by
Lecture hall with technology

Photo: Martin Braun

The “Lecture Hall 4.0” project began in July 2019. The aim is to create technically modern equipment for lecture halls in a uniform manner, both in terms of equipment and operation. A support and maintenance concept is to be established as well. This will ensure that lecturers can be provided with support when working in the lecture hall.

For the winter semester 2020/2021, lecture halls at RWTH were equipped with new modern lecture hall PCs for media support for classes. The project focuses on optimizing the equipment inventory and the use of media technology. Read the rest of this entry »