
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Auszubildende’

Europe Day 2024: United in Diversity

May 27th, 2024 | by

Source: Own illustration

Europe Day took place on 14 May this year, when the Berufsschule an der Lindenstraße (BKAL) organized a project day for students, teachers and interested parties. Our trainee Yasin Kalem gave several presentations about his time in Malta to show other trainees and interested parties the possibilities of an internship abroad. He already reported on his experiences in Malta in an earlier blog post. To allow others to benefit from his findings, he shared them at the Europe Day.

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Our “About IT” module 2021

July 23rd, 2021 | by
Student at the laptop

Source: Pixabay

At the IT Center, everything is about technology – but what is behind it in detail?

This and much more was exactly what the new office management trainees of the RWTH Aachen University learned at the About IT module on 11 January 2021. Whether RWTHmoodle or IdentityManagement – employees and trainees very often have to deal with various IT services at RWTH Aachen University and the IT Center is the central point of contact for this. Read the rest of this entry »

(Deutsch) Das IT Center begrüßt seine neuen Auszubildenden

September 2nd, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

(Deutsch) IT Center gratuliert seinen Auszubildenden

August 31st, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.