
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Betriebsausflug’

Company Excursion 2024 – Cologne Here we Come

April 26th, 2024 | by
VR Cave of the University Cologne

Source: Own illustration

The company excursion on April 19, 2024, was a highlight in the IT Center employees’ calendar. The idea of spending a day together outside the office was met with great enthusiasm. The plan was not only to strengthen team ties, but also to gain interesting insights into High Performance Computing at the University of Cologne’s Regional Computing Centre and then to undertake various activities together in Cologne. Almost 120 employees set off to explore Cologne and spend a great day together.

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Availability During the Company Excursion

April 15th, 2024 | by
pink open sign in window

Source: Freepik

Our annual company excursion will take place on Friday, April 19, 2024, which means that some employees of the IT Center and the IT-ServiceDesk will not be available on this day. In some cases, there may be delays in ticket processing or telephone availability.

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Company Excursion 2023 in Landgraaf

May 10th, 2023 | by
Inscription "IT CENTER BETRIEBSAUSFLUG 2023" in front of tulip field

Source: Own illustration

After a long break last fall, the IT Center employees were once again able to take part in a company excursion in 2022. Once again this year, we were looking forward to a day full of fun excursions.

The meeting point was the IT Center at 8:45 am. A bus was available to take the participants to the various activities. Of course, there was also the possibility to organize the journey by oneself. Whether by car or by bicycle, many good-humored interdepartmental communities were already formed on the way to the event.


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We Are There for You During Our Company Excursion!

April 19th, 2023 | by


Illustration „We are Open“

Source: Freepik

On Friday, April 21, 2023, our annual company excursion will take place. As a result some employees of the IT Center, including the                    IT-ServiceDesk, won’t be available on this day. Therefore, there may be occasional delays in ticket processing or availability by phone.

However, the opening hours of the IT-ServiceDesk will not be affected: Read the rest of this entry »

Company Trip 2022 – Finally In Person Again!

November 4th, 2022 | by
Model representation of energy supply today and tomorrow

Source: Own illustration

What was still hopeful last time became reality: After a digital company event in 2020, we were finally able to get together in person again this year. Despite the bad weather that had been announced, around 140 IT Center colleagues took part in the company trip. So much commitment was rewarded by the weather of Aachen – it improved hourly. The meeting point was at Kopernikusstraße 6 on October 21 at 9 am. Divided into eight groups, we took part in the following seven guided tours for one hour starting at 10 am: Read the rest of this entry »

(Deutsch) Digitaler Betriebsausflug 2020

September 7th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.