
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘E-Mail’

New E-Mail Lifecycle Started – What you Should Know!

April 20th, 2022 | by
letter box on house wall

Source: Pixabay

If you weren’t part of RWTH Aachen University for a while, you might already know it – the E-Mail Lifecycle. For the e-mail domain it is starting today again. That means, if you have left the RWTh, it will be checked regularly if your mailbox is still in use – if not, it will be deleted. In this article you will learn how this works and what you should pay attention to. Read the rest of this entry »

Macros – E-mail Filtering at RWTH

March 25th, 2022 | by
Screen with 2 ladybugs, gear and envelope

Source: Pixabay

E-mails are a major gateway for cyberattacks. These attacks are no longer isolated incidents and are part of our everyday life. Especially the spreading of malware through attached documents with macros are very popular among cyber criminals. These macros can for example contain hidden malware. If the recipient activates these macros when opening the document, any malicious software they may contain can cause great damage. For this reason, a protection mechanism for e-mail macro filtering was installed for the RWTH e-mail service on November 16, 2021. Office documents are the most used, but also PDFs, e.g. containing form fields. Read the rest of this entry »

RWTH mails in the spam folder – why do they end up there and what you can do about it?

May 3rd, 2021 | by
Spam Mails

Source: Freepik

The spam folder – that place to which undesired emails are banished. This is exactly what the term “spam” refers to: e-mails that you don’t want to receive, which nonetheless keep finding their way into our inbox. Generally, the spam folder is a preset folder provided by the e-mail client, into which unsolicited e-mails are automatically moved with the help of anti-spam software. In fact, most of the time this sorting out works quite well.

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