
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘RWTHmoodle’

Welcome to the Winter Semester 2023/2024!

October 9th, 2023 | by
Collage with PC screen, light bulb, chemical signs, microscope and book

Source: Freepik

The city is filling up with young people, the leaves are slowly starting to turn colorful. This can only mean one thing: A new winter semester is about to begin!

We welcome you and wish you a successful winter semester 2023/2024!

Studying has become much more digital in recent years. This means that people are not only learning from books but also a lot on their laptops, tablets and smartphones. Are you already connected?

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RWTHmoodle – Results of the User Survey 2023

September 18th, 2023 | by
Fragezeichen Postkarten auf Schreibtisch mit Laptop

Source: Freepik

The RWTHmoodle user survey has become an integral part of the IT Center and the Center for Teaching and Learning Services/Learning Platform Management, and this year the users of RWTHmoodle were once again able to evaluate the system and the services related to the teaching and learning platform, e.g. the training and support offerings. The focus was primarily on the new version 4.1, which was introduced in March 2023.

A total of 36,167 people who actively used at least one learning space in the summer semester of 2023 were invited to take part in the survey in July. This means that not only students were addressed, but also all learning space managers, supervisors and other participants. 1,876 people took the opportunity to give their feedback and contribute to the long-term optimization of RWTHmoodle and its support services.

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RWTHmoodle User Survey 2023 – Help Us Improve Your Learning Experience!

July 10th, 2023 | by
Hashtag moodle monday

Source: Own Illustration

It’s that time again! The annual RWTHmoodle User Survey starts today on July 10, 2023 and runs until July 30, 2023. You have the opportunity to share your experience with the system and give us valuable feedback now if you have used RWTHmoodle and were authorized in at least one learning session during the summer semester 2023. Together, we can further improve RWTHmoodle and adapt the support offering accordingly.

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Behind the Scenes – Upgrade to Moodle 4.1

January 30th, 2023 | by
Bernd Decker at the RWTHtransparent 2023

Source: Own illustration

On March 14, 2023 (*), RWTHmoodle will be updated to Moodle version 4.1. We have summarized all changes for our users on the info page.

But what is actually the story behind the change? For a look behind the scenes, we talked to the service manager of RWTHmoodle, Bernd Decker. Read the rest of this entry »

The IT Center Picture Puzzle: Department of Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching

November 23rd, 2022 | by
Interview photo with department head Christoph Becker and Bernd Decker from the Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching (PDSL) department

Source: Own illustration


With our last picture puzzle for this year, we introduce you to yet another department of the IT Center. On our social media channels, we called for guesswork and searched for a certain word to go with the four pictures, which stands for the department Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching (PDSL). Well, which of you came up with the solution word “digitalization“? You can get more exciting insights into the PDSL department in the interview.

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RWTHmoodle – Results of This Year’s User Survey

August 22nd, 2022 | by
Hashtag moodle monday

Source: Own Illustration

This summer semester, RWTHmoodle users once again had the chance to evaluate the system and its associated services.

The user survey started in June 2022. 37.300 people who actively used at least one course room in the summer semester 2022 were asked to participate in the RWTHmoodle user survey. 1.820 users complied with this request.

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RWTHmoodle User Survey 2022

June 13th, 2022 | by
Homepage of the RWTHmoodle User Survey 2022

Source: Own illustration

Today, on June 13, 2022, our annual RWTHmoodle user survey starts again.

You are using RWTHmoodle and were authorized in at least one course room in the summer semester 2022? Then help us to improve RWTHmoodle and to adapt our support services. We would be happy if you share your experiences with the system and give us feedback. Read the rest of this entry »

New Participant Management in RWTHmoodle

April 11th, 2022 | by
Handy on a tablet with "Latest Update"

Source: Freepik

Whether it’s a new coat of paint on the wall, a new favourite shirt, or a new haircut. At some point, everyone needs a change. Therefore, the design of the participant management in RWHTmoodle has also changed.

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The new Quick Guide for RWTHmoodle

March 28th, 2022 | by
Screenshot of Quick Guide

Source: Own illustration

RWTHmoodle is the central teaching and learning platform of RWTH Aachen University. In order to help new and prospective lecturers quickly familiarize themselves with the use of RWTHmoodle and the most important functions for the start with the platform, we have created a Quick Guide for the introduction to RWTHmoodle. This Guide leads new employees through the most important instructions that are particularly helpful for working with RWTHmoodle.

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