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Schlagwort: ‘RWTHmoodle’

RWTHmoodle – New features in winter semester 2021/22

October 18th, 2021 | by
Mindmap on black board

Photo: Pixabay

Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!

As in the summer semester 2021, RWTHmoodle offers many new features in the winter semester. Curious already?
Keep scrolling and find out what will be available to you in the winter semester 2021/22. Read the rest of this entry »

RWTHmoodle User Survey 2021

July 12th, 2021 | by
Screenshot RWTHmoodle user survey

Source: Own illustration

This year’s RWTHmoodle user survey has already started on 07.07.2021. As in previous years, we are asking users who have been authorized and actively used at least one course room during the summer semester to participate. Your experiences with the system and your feedback are especially important to further improve RWTHmoodle and to adapt the support offer accordingly.

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#moodletrouble² – The chronology of a malfunction

June 28th, 2021 | by
Malfunction picture

Source: Pixabay

As some of you may have noticed, RWTHmoodle was unavailable to RWTH Aachen University employees and students for a total of two days in the second week of June 2021. As we already reported on our channels during the malfunction, a serious database error was the cause. We would like to take this opportunity to briefly explain how this error occurred. Read the rest of this entry »

Pling! Did you hear that?

June 21st, 2021 | by

Source: Pixabay

Pling! A notification. Pling! And again, a notification. Whether it’s Whatsapp, Facebook or Snapchat, we receive notifications about the latest events from all sorts of platforms throughout the day. Assuming we haven’t turned them off. But not only the social media channels provide us with the latest announcements, also RWTHmoodle can and sends automatic notifications.

Often these are then not urgent, not relevant or not even meant for you in the first place, because a heated discussion is just taking place in a group chat. And also at RWTHmoodle we are often asked if it is possible to turn off notifications that are not of interest to oneself. Since this was not easily possible until now, we have listened to your feedback and made a few adjustments.

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„Every Year Again“… comes the RWTHmoodle user survey

October 19th, 2020 | by

„Year After Year” is the beginning of one of the most famous German Christmas carols of today. The RWTHmoodle team also calls it “Every Year Again”. But we don’t have the Baby-Christ coming down on earth like in the carol, we furthermore give the users of RWTHmoodle the opportunity to evaluate the system and the services associated with it.

Source: Pixabay

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Winter is Coming… and With it Completely New Possibilities: The New Plugins in RWTHmoodle

October 12th, 2020 | by

Yesterday we enjoyed 30 degrees in the sun, but now the first gingerbread is smiling at us in the supermarket. An unmistakable sign that we have arrived in the semester with the word “winter”. It is high time to replenish our own stock of thick socks (keyword: brace yourself). But besides cold and darkness, the winter semester has a lot of great new possibilities to offer, like our three new plugins in RWTHmoodle!

Source: Pixabay

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More possibilities for tutors – the new role “tutor” in RWTHmoodle!

October 5th, 2020 | by

Set the new role “tutor” easily in the participant administration of the learning room
Source: Own illustration

They compile page after page of literature lists, sore their fingers on correcting assignments and tirelessly answer all (!) questions from students. It is high time to pay tribute to our many tutors at RWTH! They make a huge contribution to ensuring that teaching works during the digital semester. In order for them to be able to make this great effort, however, they first have to get the necessary permissions. We from the RWTHmoodle teaching and learning platform have improved the role “tutor” in the RWTHmoodle course rooms and added more individual settings here.

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RWTHmoodle in Motion – New Plugins in the Pilot Phase in the Winter Semester 2020/21

September 28th, 2020 | by

While the philosopher Heraclitus already knew that everything flows, RWTHmoodle proves us once again that this insight is true. Like a river, our learning platform is always in motion and constantly evolving. Our plug-ins in pilot operation make an important contribution to this. Each semester we test several plugins directly in selected course rooms and – after a successful pilot phase – we include them in our RWTHmoodle system.

Source: Pixabay

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Like a Breath of Fresh Air… in September

September 21st, 2020 | by

At least for RWTHmoodle this is the case, because the first big update this year is coming. RWTHmoodle will be updated to Moodle version 3.9, including some minor and major changes. Improvements in accessibility, the widely used e-tests and the selection dialog when adding activities are just as much a part of this as minor adjustments to the forum, the grading of assignments and the question collection.

It's time for an update.

Source: Pixabay

The exact date for the update to version 3.9 is 09.23.2020.

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