- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Bender: A study on voice quality and vocal fatigue of lecturers in lecture halls
2023-09-29 @ 11:00 - 12:00
Voice disorders are more prevalent in occupational voice users, such as lecturers in universities. This thesis examines if a relationship between room acoustic properties of lecture halls and voice quality in lecturers can be established. For this, a study was conducted, in which voice samples of lecturers were recorded before and after lectures in different lecture halls. The voice recordings have been analysed with the software Praat and rated by a voice therapist. The lecture halls were chosen as part of a previously conducted field study. To obtain their room acoustic parameters, Oral-Binaural Room Impulse Response measurements have been conducted and analysed together with Room Impulse Response measurements. The state of perceived vocal fatigue of participating lecturers was measured with the German version of the Vocal Fatigue Index.
Overall, an increase in vocal performance fatigue could be detected over the course of lectures. When analysing the voice recordings with established parameters as the Acoustic Voice Quality Index and Smoothed Cepstral Peak Prominence, the room acoustic deviations of the lecture halls did not seem to have an influence. The rating by a voice therapist however, showed a tendency of worse Roughness Breathiness Hoarseness scores in a lecture hall with subpar acoustic conditions. The Vocal Fatigue Index showed higher vocal fatigue in lecturers compared to healthy individuals.
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