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Izquierdo: Research lines of the Array Processing Group [GPA] of the University of Valladolid: Beamforming with MEMS sensor arrays
2021-12-10 @ 11:00 - 12:00
For more than 15 years the GPA has been working on the design and implementation of acoustic sensor arrays that by means of classical beamforming techniques allow to electronically position a beam in space. The evolution of acoustic array construction technologies will be analyzed from the analog field with conventional microphones, AD/DA converters and DSP to the digital field with digital MEMS microphones and FPGA. The GPA has developed a set of libraries and programs for the acquisition and spatial processing of arrays and a brief practical demonstration of the tools developed. Then a set of arrays designed for specific applications will be presented: Acoustic biometrics, detection and localization of distress sounds from a drone, pedestrian detection for AEB (autonomous emergeing Braking) systems in cars, road surface analysis and finally the detection and localization of larvae in wooden beams. Finally, a processing architecture based on accelerometer mems for SHM ( Structural Health Monitoring) systems will be presented.
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