

In-Person Exams Moved to Period of April 12 Through May 7

February 22nd, 2021 | by

Despite the large number of exams that are now being held via various online formats, RWTH is nevertheless forced to reschedule the remaining exams, which are currently not allowed to be held on campus, however, exceptions to this regulation may apply. All in-person exams that were originally scheduled to be held February 15 through March 6 and cannot be offered in an alternative exam format, will now be moved en bloc to the period of April 12 through May 7. Students should note the following points concerning the postponement:

  • Due to the postponement, the affected exam dates are not displayed in RWTHonline at the moment, as the display option has been temporarily deactivated. For this reason, students cannot see these exam dates in the “Exam Dates” view in the “Exams” application. Their registration for these exams, however, remains valid.
  • The postponement of the exams should be finalized in the system by the end of next week. After that, all RWTH Faculties will strive to make the necessary adjustments as quickly as possible and release the exam dates for students.
  • The responsible examiners will inform students individually once the exams have been reactivated in the system.
  • For all exams rescheduled in this way, registration will be reopened and remain open until the new deadline of 7 days before the exam. This, however, only affects the postponed exams – not the online exams.

The Crisis Management Team and University Management are aware of the stress these postponements must be causing students as they prepare for their exams. Their aim is to now help students plan ahead in the best possible way.

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