

Basic Regulation for Winter Semester 2021/22

November 9th, 2021 | by

In light of the current trajectory of the coronavirus pandemic, all RWTH members are still called upon to be careful and behave responsibly. At the same time, it is becoming apparent that the infection prevention and occupational safety regulations are to have a new legislative framework by the end of November (expected to be effective through the end of March). At this stage, the University is not able to foresee what specific legal framework will be in place through winter. However, RWTH understands that the university institutions would like to be able to plan their everyday work and staff scheduling in advance.

For this reason, the Crisis Management Team and the Rectorate have already agreed on the following basic regulation for the entire winter semester 2021/2022 (effective through March 31, 2022):

  • RWTH still sees protecting its employees and students from potential infection as its top priority, while taking into account the seamless continuation of operations and studies. In order to further reduce work-related contact with individuals, supervisors have to take all the necessary technical and organizational measures.
  • The option of alternating between working on site and from home is still available. The supervisors of the respective university institution or department are responsible for deciding on the form and extent (up to a maximum of 100%) that their employees can work from home.
  • Any arrangements mutually agreed upon between supervisors and employees for this period still do not require the involvement of the respective HR department.
  • The basic regulation will apply from November 25, 2021. Until then, the previously communicated regulations apply. If the German and/or state government issue(s) further regulations due to infection rate trends, the University will inform its members accordingly.

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