
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Schlagwort: ‘Konsortien’

NFDI-MatWerk: Working Meeting at KIT

March 7th, 2024 | by
The Scientific Computing Center (SCC) on the North Campus of KIT

The Scientific Computing Center (SCC) on the North Campus of KIT
Source: IT Center

As our readers know, RWTH Aachen University is active in several consortia of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). This includes the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University in the NFDI-MatWerk consortium, which focuses on supporting the digital transformation in materials science and engineering. In this blog post, we share our impressions of the last working meeting at KIT.

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Work of Base4NFDI Already in Full Swing

March 16th, 2023 | by
Symbolic image of what Base4NFDI will do

Source: Base4NFDI

At the beginning of March 2023, the funding of the consortia from the third round of calls for proposals has started. But Base4NFDI‘s work is already in full swing. The initiative supports and develops services that cannot be delivered NFDI-wide by individual consortia, but are needed by many. Applications for Base4NFDI funding – to initialize services, integrate services, and begin operations – will be available at least three times per year during the initial phase. The first round in 2023 is already in full swing.

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What Does a Data Steward Actually Do? Part 3

February 16th, 2023 | by
Presentation with photo of Data Steward Katharina Grünwald

Katharina Grünwald in an interview. Source: Own illustration

The professional field of data stewards is exciting and versatile, which is why we don’t want to deprive our RDM blog readership of the third part of our series “What does a data steward actually do? In this interview, Ms. Katharina Grünwald answers our questions.

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The RDM Annual Review 2022

December 29th, 2022 | by
Two hands hold two luminous sparklers

RDM Annual Review 2022
Source: Unsplash

We are fast approaching the turn of the year. Just before the corks pop, we would like to look back on an exciting and eventful 2022 and review the many changes, events and happenings in the field of Research Data Management. Before we face new challenges and changes in the new year… 🙂

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DFG Recommends Funding for 3 NFDI Consortia With RWTH Participation

July 7th, 2022 | by
Networking and collaboration intentions of the individual NFDI consortia

The network shows the collaboration intentions between the consortia resulting from each application. The colors refer to the NFDI conference system: (1) medicine, (2) life sciences, (3) humanities and social sciences, (4) engineering and mathematics, (5) chemistry and physics.
Source: Own Illustration

New year, new luck! In the third round of calls for proposals, the DFG’s expert panel has recommended funding for several NFDI consortia. RWTH Aachen University is also high on the list this year. Find out which NFDI consortia have received a recommendation in this blog post.

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NFDI Basic Services: 3rd Round of Calls

February 22nd, 2022 | by
National Research Data Infrastructure


The funding of NFDI Basic services is a highly topical and exciting subject. Just a few weeks ago, we reported on the schedule and the resulting reactions from the scientific community. This blog post will now focus on the third round of calls for proposals.

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NFDI in the DFG Funding Atlas

January 13th, 2022 | by
Collaborations of RWTH with other institutions in the course of NFDI. The thicker and darker the connection, the more numerous are the collaborations via individual NFDI consortia.

Source: Own Illustration

In this article, we would like to inform you about the recently published Funding Atlas of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the key figures on publicly funded research in Germany. Published only every three years, this report is considered and serves as a “long-term observation of the German research landscape.” In this latest edition, the most recent decisions in the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) program also receive accentuated consideration, and with it the role of RWTH Aachen University.

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Glückwunsch! Förderung von acht NFDI-Konsortien mit RWTH-Beteiligung

July 2nd, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Glückwunsch zur Förderung!

Bild: Pixabay

Vor einigen Wochen haben wir in unserem Blogbeitrag Grund zur Freude! über die DFG-Förderungsempfehlung der Konsortien

berichtet und nun können wir mit großer Freude mitteilen, dass diese Konsortien tatsächlich von der DFG gefördert werden. Die Förderempfehlung fand wissenschaftsgeleitet durch die Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK) statt. Read the rest of this entry »

NFDI Förderung: Die dritte Ausschreibungsrunde

June 25th, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Quelle: Pixabay

Auf dem Blog haben wir bereits die NFDI-Konferenz am 8. Juli angekündigt, die im Rahmen der dritten Ausschreibungsrunde stattfindet.

In diesem Beitrag wird nun zusammengefasst, welche Konsortien in den ersten beiden Ausschreibungsrunden gefördert wurden und was die aktuelle und dritte Ausschreibungsrunde so besonders macht und inwiefern die RWTH beteiligt ist. Read the rest of this entry »