All good things come in … “two”! Since our last year’s Christmas party unfortunately had to be cancelled, the already planned and thought-out celebration – our own IT Center Christmas market – was made up for and celebrated on 9 December this year. After all, postponed is not abandoned! The IT Center’s party team was full of beans and organised a wonderful party that lacked nothing. The pre-Christmas season was ushered in with the smell of mulled wine and waffles and musical support from a large part of the IT Center staff.
Opening of the Christmas Market
In gorgeous winter weather – cool and dry, accompanied by a few rays of sunshine – the IT Center staff with partners and children gathered in front of the “Golden Whale” from 2 pm. The party team expected a total of up to 170 participants. The first IT Center Christmas Market was opened by the Director of the IT Center, Prof. Matthias Müller. This was followed by the award ceremony for the city rally, which was the centrepiece of this year’s company trip. In addition, we said goodbye to our very valued colleague Sarina Franzen, who is moving to the far north of Germany. Our CTO Dr Thomas Eifert entertained all those interested with a history lesson of a very special kind with his 30-year retrospective.
Delicious Treats and Games Activities
With nine stalls, including a mulled wine and soup stall, sausage and chips stall, waffle and sweets stalls, but also fun Christmas stalls such as can throwing, Nerf gun shooting and a cloth bag printing stall (with homemade potato printing), the IT Center Christmas Market was well equipped all round. Small prizes were up for grabs in the SeKo can-throwing competition. The Christmas market was accompanied by Christmas carols played by a small musical orchestra. A short session of “O Tannenbaum” (Christmas tree) was also part of the Christmas caroling and created an extra cosy Christmas atmosphere, as did the illumination of the Christmas lights after dark.
A Heartfelt Thank You
At this point a big thank you to the party team for the very successful celebration. Thanks also to everyone involved for the wintry treats, the great games, memories and much more, and to everyone who made this a very special day.
Photo Gallery
- All sources: Own illustrations
Responsible for the content of this article is Lina-Louise Kaulbach.
Sehr cool, wenn es ein Team gibt, dass sich um solche Events kümmert! 🙂 Wir hatten auf unserer Weihnachtsfeier eine lustige Fotobox, wo ständig jeder dran hin um lustige Bilder zu machen. Das kam auch super an 😀
Hallo Julia,
vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar und deine Inspiration! Eine Fotobox ist immer eine gute Idee 🙂 Das könnten wir bei unserer nächsten Feier bestimmt auch umsetzen.
Herzliche Grüße
das IT Center Blog Team
könntet ihr die Bilder bitte mal in guter Quali hochladen?=)
Hallo lieber TestUser,
vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Wir werden uns die Qualität anschauen und die Bilder ggf. austauschen.
Wir wünschen dir einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!
Viele Grüße
das IT Center Blog Team
Ich fand den Dosenwerfenstand wunderbar. Da war ein sympathischer junger Mann, der die Leute motiviert hat. Fand ich toll!
Hallo Jasmin Kalle,
vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar! 🙂
Viele Grüße
das IT Center Blog Team