Today we continue with our series, “All about the myths in the world of IT”.
If you missed the first part of the myths, feel free to check out our last post.
“The full moon causes sleepless nights” – a myth we all know. Experts have long since proven that the moon does not have magical powers. The brightness releases less melatonin in the brain, which helps us fall asleep.
So it’s worth taking another close look at widespread half-truths.
In the world of IT, there are myths that we can get to the bottom of together.
Today, it’s all about IT security and what you should know about it.
Myth #3: The Perfect Password doesn’t Exist!
Again and again we are faced with the task of choosing a password – a password that should be strong, unique and yet easy to remember.
But does the perfect password even exist? Many believe that there is no such thing and that all passwords can eventually be cracked. It’s true, no password is absolutely secure. But there are definitely ways to increase the security of your accounts.
A strong password consists of a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. Also, long passwords are more secure because they are harder to guess or crack.
However, even the strongest password won’t do you any good if you use it on insecure websites or reveal it to other people. It’s important to use different passwords for different accounts and change them regularly.
Another helpful way to secure your online accounts is to use two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA). This extra layer of security makes it harder to access your accounts, even if the password is known. You can read more about what multi-factor authentication means and how it works in our blog post.
Myth #4: Click Here to Win! The Magic Links!
You’re probably familiar with them – tempting links that promise you to win great prizes or discover incredible offers. But be careful, because not all links lead to valuable treasures.
Some links may lead you to dangerous websites that contain malware or try to steal your personal information. Such links are often used in phishing emails that pretend to come from trusted sources.
So, before you click on a link, make sure that it comes from a trusted source. Watch out for suspicious email addresses, spelling mistakes, or unusual requests. If something seems strange to you, it’s better not to click on the link.
Another safe way to check links is to hover your mouse over the link without clicking on it. Most email clients or web browsers will then show you the actual URL that is hidden behind the link. This way you can see if the link really takes you where you want to go.
Myth #5: Public WLAN – A Risky Adventure?
We often find open Wi-Fi networks in cafes, airports, hotels and other public places.
However, some avoid public WLAN networks because they believe they are a haven for hackers. But is that really the case?
Public WLANs can indeed be insecure, as they are often unencrypted and allow hackers to intercept traffic. But that doesn’t mean you have to avoid them completely.
To surf public WLANs safely, you can use a VPN connection. A VPN connection encrypts your data traffic and protects you from prying eyes. Also, you should avoid sensitive information like passwords or bank details when you are connected to public networks. There is a bit of truth in this myth, but as is often the case, it’s important to be cautious and careful, rather than letting fear and insecurity guide our actions. By taking your own protective measures and being vigilant, you can also surf safely in the world of public Wi-Fi and enter the digital fairy tale world with ease.
With that, we’ve been through another exciting IT fairytale lesson. But the journey continues!
Let us know your questions and thoughts, and we look forward to uncovering and clearing up more myths for you in the next part of our IT Fairytale Hour.
Responsible for the content of this article is Jula Hegeler.
Der Mond hat zwar keine Superkräfte, bewegt aber mehrmals täglich massig Wasser
Nichtsdestotrotz finde ich eure IT-Mythen so gut, dass ich meiner Mutter den Link mal ans Herz lege. Sonst kommuniziert sie wieder mit Leuten, die behaupten ich zu sein
Macht doch mal bitte mehr zu Themen wie Scam-Nachrichten, safer surfing (internet, keine Wellen) und „wie passe ich auf meine Daten im Netz auf?“ oder so.
Liebe Grüße und Cheers
Hallo N,
vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar und das positive Feedback. Wir nehmen deine Vorschläge gerne mit!
Viele Grüße
Das IT Center Blog Team
Zu Mythos Nr. Fünf. Es liegt auf der Hand, aber vielen Neulingen an der RWTH vielleicht noch nicht bekannt: Dafür eignet sich hervorragend die RWTH VPN (in diesem Fall im “Full Tunnel”), und kostet keinen Cent.
Hallo Jakob,
vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar. Wir sind auch große Fans des RWTH VPN.
Viele Grüße
Das IT Center Blog Team
Ich habe mir letztens über einen ähnlichen Link RAM runterladen können!
Hallo Yassemin Khalem,
das tut uns natürlich leid!
Wir hoffen der Beitrag verhilft dir zu mehr Vorsicht.
Viele Grüße
Das IT Center Blog Team