
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘IT’

From Cog Wheels to High Technology

November 22nd, 2023 | by

Source: Own illustration

The beginnings of IT go back a long way. It all started with a calculating machine. Today, we’re way beyond that. But how did we get there? This article is about the long but successful journey of IT. We’ll tell you about the milestones in the history of IT and of the IT Center.   Read the rest of this entry »

IT Fairytale Hour – Part 2

September 25th, 2023 | by
Animated woman woman looking through a magnifying glass comparing myths with facts.

Source: Freepik

Today we continue with our series, “All about the myths in the world of IT”.
If you missed the first part of the myths, feel free to check out our last post.

“The full moon causes sleepless nights” – a myth we all know. Experts have long since proven that the moon does not have magical powers. The brightness releases less melatonin in the brain, which helps us fall asleep.
So it’s worth taking another close look at widespread half-truths.

In the world of IT, there are myths that we can get to the bottom of together.
Today, it’s all about IT security and what you should know about it.


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IT Fairytale Hour – What’s the Truth About the Myths?

August 23rd, 2023 | by
Illustriertes Bild von Frau im IT Weltall

Source: Freepik

We all know one or two myths that have snuck into our minds over time. Advice like “Put your head in the neck in case of a nosebleed”, everyone has heard before and is still a very common half-knowledge today. But here it is proven that exactly the opposite should be done. Namely, bend the head forward so that the blood can drain off.  

Even in the field of IT, there are some tips that are widespread and firmly believed in.  But is there really anything to it? Which tips and warnings should be taken seriously and which are old news. We want to get to the bottom of it and take a closer look at how much truth there is behind such myths.  

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Happy System Admin Appreciation Day!

July 28th, 2023 | by
Illustrated picture with two people and the words Thank you.

Source: Freepik

Today, we would like to take the opportunity of “System Admin Appreciation Day” to say a big thank you to all system administrators! You are just irreplaceable!

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Unveiling the Mysteries of 42

July 19th, 2023 | by
Employees in an office with computers and desks

Source: Freepik

In the vast world of information technology, there are numerous
fascinating stories,
legends, and references that capture the imagination of tech enthusiasts.
Among these is the enigmatic number 42,which holds a special place in the hearts of IT aficionados. Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the significance of 42 and its intriguing connection to the realm of IT.



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Archive Migration – The Journey Continues!

June 29th, 2022 | by



Source: Pixabay

Archive migration is probably what is called a mammoth project in IT. In addition to the enormous size of around 1.7 petabytes (PB) that needs to be migrated, some of the data has been stored in the archive for a very long time. This in itself is a great result and testimony to a secure and stable archive, but this circumstance caused the project team around the archive migration one or the other challenge.


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A Look Behind the Scenes – The Proportion of Women in German IT Companies

June 20th, 2022 | by
Three women sitting at the table with laptop

Source: Pexels

What does the proportion of women in German IT companies actually look like? The industry association Bitkom investigated this question and took a close look at 500 companies. We also took the results of the survey as an opportunity to take a look behind the scenes at the IT Center. You can read about this and more in this blog post. 🙂

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Results of the ZKI Top Trends Survey-2022

March 4th, 2022 | by
Woman in IT landscape

Source: Pexels

Once again this year, the Strategy and Organisation Working Group of the Association of Centres for Communication and Information Processing conducted a survey on the most important topics and trends of IT institutions from research institutions and universities in Germany. 85 institutions participated in this year’s survey, providing exciting insights into promising IT topics that will shape the year 2022.

Are you wondering what the top trends and topics are and what you need to be prepared for in the IT world? Then you’ve come to the right place!

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