
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Announcements’

Relaunch of the Documentation Portal

July 15th, 2020 | by

Documentation Portal Becomes IT Center Help

The documentation portal has served its duty. After many years of good service, the successor is already in the starting blocks. (

The documentation portal has served its duty. After many years of good service, the successor is already in the starting blocks. (
Source: Own illustration

What began a good six years ago is now taking on a new form. Join us on a short trip down memory lane – and back on the road to the future.

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(Deutsch) Gute Nachrichten für den SFB985 Funktionelle Mikrogele und Mikrogelsysteme

June 29th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

(Deutsch) Drei NFDI Konsortien mit RWTH Beteiligung erhalten Zusage

June 26th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Test IT Center Help! –What Do You Think of the New Documentation Platform?

June 17th, 2020 | by
Dein Feedback ist uns wichtig!

Source: Pixabay

Now it’s up to you! What do you think?

Instructions, information and FAQs – you already know our documentation portal doc.itc. Now, we want to know what you think of IT Center Help! Our documentation portal “doc.itc” will soon be replaced by the new documentation platform IT Center Help. You can be one of the first to test IT Center Help, the completely revised successor of doc.itc.

The prototype is ready for testing and you can participate!

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Statement on attacks on high-performance computing systems

May 15th, 2020 | by

Several high-performance data centres throughout Europe are currently victims of cyber attacks. Some centres have therefore blocked the access to their computing capacity  at least in parts due to security incidents to protect against (further) attacks.

Server room high performance computer
Source: Own illustration

Against this background, we are also taking appropriate precautions and monitoring our systems even more closely than before. Our statement and recommendations on the IT Center website provide information on the current situation.

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Good News: Personal Submission of DFN Certificate Applications possible again

May 13th, 2020 | by

We are pleased to inform you that the personal acceptance of DFN user and server certificate applications will be possible again from Thursday, 14 May 2020 in the IT Center, in the building at Seffenter Weg 23 upper entrance.

After booking an appointment, you can now personally bring your user and server certificate applications from Tuesday to Thursday between 08:00am and 03:00pm.

Nutzer- und Serverzertifikate können nun auch wieder persönlich im IT Center, Seffenter Weg23, abgegeben werden. Wir freuen uns!

User and server certificates can now again be handed in personally at the IT Center, Seffenter Weg 23. We are looking forward to it!
Source: Own illustration

Due to the strict regulations, access must be coordinated. This makes it necessary to book an appointment via our online appointment planning tool. Please also remember that your certificate applications can only be accepted upon presentation of an official, valid photo identification.

Please respect the following hygiene rules:

  • Wear a mouth and nose guard throughout the building.
  • Disinfect your hands after you enter the building, i.e. before you meet our staff.
  • Please keep at least 2 meters safety distance.
  • We give you a smile, but do not shake hands.

Please do not forget to bring along:

  • Completed and signed server or user certificate application
  • Official, valid photo identification
  • Mouth and nose guard
  • Mobile phone to be granted access to the building on site

You will receive detailed information about the procedure with your appointment confirmation. If you have any further questions, please leave us a comment under this blog post or contact us by phone, e-mail or via our chat support.


Contact by phone: +49 241 / 80-24687
Monday to Friday from 07:30am to 06:00pm

Chat support: Monday to Friday from 07:30am to 06:00pm

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Your team of the IT Center

Responsible for the content of this article is Nicole Filla.

Jahresbericht 2018/2019 – Das IT Center berichtet

April 24th, 2020 | by

Als Verantwortlicher für die IT-Unterstützung von hochschulweiten Prozessen arbeitet das IT Center kontinuierlich daran, einen qualitativ hochwertigen Servicekatalog anzubieten. Dieser Katalog beinhaltet IT-Lösungen für Studium, Forschung und Lehre. Auch aktuelle Sicherheitsstandards müssen dabei stets eingehalten werden. Das IT Center befindet sich daher in permanenter Weiterentwicklung, um die Effektivität, die Effizienz und die Sicherheit der IT-Infrastruktur zu gewährleisten.

Cover des neuen Jahresberichts 2018/2019 des IT Centers
Quelle: Eigene Darstellung

Seit nun über mehr als 7 Jahren berichtet das IT Center über seine Aufgaben, Ziele, bedeutsamen Entwicklungen und umfangreiche Projekte in Form eines zweijährlichen Jahresberichts. Dieser Jahresbericht soll nicht nur einen Einblick in die erbrachten Leistungen des IT Centers verschaffen, sondern auch seine Arbeit in verschiedenen Projekten und Veranstaltungen veranschaulichen.

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Our opening hours over the Easter holidays

April 9th, 2020 | by

Even if the situation is not ideal at the moment – Easter is coming!
This year it is not possible to have a big get-together, but a few quiet days with our loved ones (even if only virtually) will surely bring us some fresh air and some spring mood for the following weeks. 


Also at Easter the IT Center stays at home.
Source: Own illustration


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We are still available for you

March 18th, 2020 | by

Don’t worry – of course the IT-ServiceDesk of the IT Center is still available for you. Even though the locations at Seffenter Weg 23, SuperC and Wendling Weg 10 are temporarily closed for personal support, you can still send us your support requests via other communication channels: The team is available via e-mail, phone and chat.


Source: Own illustration

E-Mail support
Send us an e-mail with your request to the e-mail address of the IT-ServiceDesk.

Phone support
Call us between 7:30am and 6:00pm at the telephone number 0241/8024687. Please understand that the voice transmission is not always in a quality as good as usual.

Chat support
We have adjusted our times for the chat support for you: You can now chat with us from 7:30am to 6:00pm.

In addition, we have compiled the latest advice and information on the most important services of the IT Center and the availability of the IT-ServiceDesk on our website.

If you still need information or instructions, please feel free to leave a comment under this article or send us an e-mail.

Responsible for the content of this article is Nicole Kaminski.

Changed Consulting Times at the IT-ServiceDesk

March 12th, 2020 | by


We're temporarily closed.

Source: Pixabay

Due to the current development concerning the spread of the coronavirus and the recommendations of the responsible authorities, the RWTH Aachen University is also forced to implement further measures to contain the spread of the virus and to relieve the health care system. The common goal is to stop the further spread of the virus as far as possible and to slow down the speed of its spread.


In this context, personal counselling services are also offered mainly by telephone and online. Public traffic will initially be reduced to a necessary minimum up to and including 10.04.2020.


For our IT-ServiceDesk this means the immediate closure of the Super C location. From next Monday, the advice centres at Seffenter Weg 23 and Wendlingweg 10 will also be closed.


Of course you can still reach us by e-mail and telephone. In addition, we will adjust the times for chat support ( from 16.03.2020 to 07:30 to 18:00.


We thank you for your understanding.