
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Fun & Facts’

IT Fairytale Hour – What’s the Truth About the Myths?

August 23rd, 2023 | by
Illustriertes Bild von Frau im IT Weltall

Source: Freepik

We all know one or two myths that have snuck into our minds over time. Advice like “Put your head in the neck in case of a nosebleed”, everyone has heard before and is still a very common half-knowledge today. But here it is proven that exactly the opposite should be done. Namely, bend the head forward so that the blood can drain off.  

Even in the field of IT, there are some tips that are widespread and firmly believed in.  But is there really anything to it? Which tips and warnings should be taken seriously and which are old news. We want to get to the bottom of it and take a closer look at how much truth there is behind such myths.  

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Digital Wellness: A Healthy Relationship with Technology

August 9th, 2023 | by
Woman meditating inside a phone

Source: Freepik

In our fast-paced age, it’s obvious that technology has penetrated deeply into our daily lives, providing us with a multitude of benefits and opportunities. However, it is important to maintain a healthy and nurturing digital lifestyle in order to maintain a mental and physical well-being and find a balanced relationship between our online and offline worlds. In this blog post, we explore the importance of digital well-being and provide practical tips on managing screen time, using technology mindfully, and achieving a healthy balance between our virtual and real lives.

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Happy System Admin Appreciation Day!

July 28th, 2023 | by
Illustrated picture with two people and the words Thank you.

Source: Freepik

Today, we would like to take the opportunity of “System Admin Appreciation Day” to say a big thank you to all system administrators! You are just irreplaceable!

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AI – Hero of Time Saving

July 26th, 2023 | by
Robot hand shaking human hand

Source: Freepik

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more known. Not least by technical innovations, like ChatGPT. In addition to research, people from outside the field are slowly making use of the useful properties of Artificial Intelligence. You want to take part in the conversation? We’ll explain the features of Artificial Intelligence and how you can use them in your student life.


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Unveiling the Mysteries of 42

July 19th, 2023 | by
Employees in an office with computers and desks

Source: Freepik

In the vast world of information technology, there are numerous
fascinating stories,
legends, and references that capture the imagination of tech enthusiasts.
Among these is the enigmatic number 42,which holds a special place in the hearts of IT aficionados. Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the significance of 42 and its intriguing connection to the realm of IT.



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Tips and Tricks for Microsoft OneNote

July 17th, 2023 | by

OneNote – is part of the Office package, but it is still not as well known as Word, Excel or PowerPoint.
Although, OneNote is much more useful than expected.

Notebook with a pen and glasses in the background

Source: Unsplash

Put simply, OneNote serves as a digital notebook. Not only can notes be created with the keypad, but handwritten notes can also be recorded with the mouse, touchpad or on a touchscreen display.

But this tool can do so much more. Notes that would otherwise be chaotically scattered in various folders can be clearly structured here and filled with various digital content and media. If you don’t like loose paper lying around and don’t want to have Post-Its stuck everywhere, this is the perfect alternative.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just like to keep things tidy, we have tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the tool.

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The IT Center Picture Puzzle: IT Center Management

July 12th, 2023 | by
Photo of the IT Center Management and interviewers

Quelle: Eigene Darstellung

#MeetMeWednesday: Our blog series “The IT Center Picture Puzzle” is drawing to a close, and to cap it all off, we have a particularly interesting interview in store for you. This time, the IT Center Management, Professor Müller and Mr. Bündgens, answer our questions. They talk about their daily tasks as well as about exciting projects and developments that will soon take place at the IT Center.

By the way, the key word we were looking for was “leadership”. Could you guess it? Find out more in this article.

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Cybersecurity 101: Protecting the Digital Footprint in the Digital Age

July 3rd, 2023 | by
Three footprints with blue digital background

Source: Own Illustration

In today’s digital age, our lives are increasingly intertwined with the online world. From social media profiles to online banking accounts, we leave a digital footprint that can be vulnerable to cyber threats. Protecting our digital presence and maintaining online privacy is more important now than ever. In this blog post, we’ll go over the basics of cybersecurity and provide practical tips for protecting your digital footprint.

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Tips & Tricks for Microsoft Word

June 21st, 2023 | by
Creative content writing vector concept metaphor.

Source: Freepik

Microsoft Word is a word processing program that is used daily by various users. From schools to individuals to CEOs, Word is in regular use. Nevertheless, not all users are familiar with its multiple features. In this blog post, we will share with you five helpful tricks that will make using Microsoft Word easier and more enjoyable.

Please note that Microsoft Word can be used in different ways: There is a web application that you use in the browser, as well as a local installation of Microsoft Word that you can find as a program on your PC or laptop. The range of functions is slightly different.

The tips and tricks mentioned below refer to the local installation of Microsoft Word, which is included in the Office package M365.

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Healthy Well-Being When Working From Home – Part 3

April 28th, 2023 | by
Tired woman working from home streatching after typing on laptop late at night.

Source: Freepik

“Sitting is the new smoking” – everyone has probably heard this saying. Research in recent years has also shown that this is not just an empty phrase: Just 30 minutes of daily exercise has a positive effect on physical and mental health, such as strengthening the cardiovascular system or reducing the tendency to depression, etc. In part 3 of our series, we would like to give you some useful tips for feeling good and staying fit at home.

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