
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Insight IT Center’

The IT Center Picture Puzzle: Service & Communication Department

August 3rd, 2022 | by
Interview photo with the Head of Department Service & Communication

Source: Own illustration

#MeetMeWednesday: We continue with our series “The IT Center Picture Puzzle“. This time we have an exciting interview with the head of department Sarah Grzemski in store for you.

The word “communication” is synonymous with the Service & Communication (SeKo) department. The reason for this will be presented to you in the current blog post. We provide exciting insights behind the various scenes of the department, which, by the way, do not only consist of support requests 😊 …. We present what makes the department special and what current projects and developments are currently in the pipeline. Be curious!

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Keeping Cool in the (Home)Office – Our 5 Tips for Hot Days.

July 18th, 2022 | by
Person sits strained at the desk in front of the fan

Summer Office
Source: Pixabay


Many people love the summer temperatures. But hot days in the (home) office can also be very exhausting.

When the air stands still and the thermometer rises to 25 degrees+, it’s not easy to stay productive. We feel listless, tired and our ability to concentrate decreases.

We have collected five simple tips for you that will help you to keep cool. Read the rest of this entry »

The IT Center Picture Puzzle: High Performance Computing (HPC) Office

July 8th, 2022 | by
Interview with HPC Office

Source: Own Illustration

MeetMeWednesday: Our series “The IT Center Picture Puzzle” has already gone into the fourth round. Could you guess which word we were looking for this time?

The required word “coordination” stands for the High Performance Computing (HPC) Office. Did you guess it? In this blog post, we present the corresponding interview with the HPC Office, in which you can learn more about the activities and exciting insights of the Office.

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Archive Migration – The Journey Continues!

June 29th, 2022 | by



Source: Pixabay

Archive migration is probably what is called a mammoth project in IT. In addition to the enormous size of around 1.7 petabytes (PB) that needs to be migrated, some of the data has been stored in the archive for a very long time. This in itself is a great result and testimony to a secure and stable archive, but this circumstance caused the project team around the archive migration one or the other challenge.


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A Look Behind the Scenes – The Proportion of Women in German IT Companies

June 20th, 2022 | by
Three women sitting at the table with laptop

Source: Pexels

What does the proportion of women in German IT companies actually look like? The industry association Bitkom investigated this question and took a close look at 500 companies. We also took the results of the survey as an opportunity to take a look behind the scenes at the IT Center. You can read about this and more in this blog post. 🙂

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IT Center goes “Any Way the Wind Blows”

June 17th, 2022 | by
Stage 5 in the garden of the re:publica

Stage 5 in the garden of the re:publica
Source: Own illustration

They had to wait a long time, but now it happened:

Originally planned for 2020, our IT Centre employees Nicole Kaminski and Tanja Wittpoth-Richter were allowed to travel to Berlin in June 2022 to the “Festival for the Digital Society”, the re:publica, and enjoy a colourful programme. What the two experienced, they captured for us.

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International Exchange @ Politecnico di Milano

June 10th, 2022 | by
Our colleague Martin Pieters at the Politecnico di Milano

Martin Pieters at the Politecnico di Milano
Source: Own illustration

“If someone goes on a journey, he can tell a story” – at least that’s how the poet Matthias Claudius wrote it back then.

Our colleague Martin Pieters can certainly confirm this today. He was recently allowed to take part in a business trip to Milan as part of a further training programme. There, the participants were able to exchange ideas with colleagues from the University Politecnico di Milano.

He wrote down for us exactly what he experienced there.

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The IT Center Picture Puzzle: Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) Department

June 3rd, 2022 | by
Interview with CSE Department

Source: Own Illustration

#MeetMeWednesday: Our series “The IT Center Picture Puzzle” went into the third round and we were again looking for a word on our social media channels that stands for a department of the IT Center.

We were looking for five letters and the word “Lehre” (teaching) – did you guess it? In this blog post, we present not only the solution word, but also the corresponding interview with the Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) department. In this interview, you will learn more about the fields of activity and gain exciting insights into the diverse department of the IT Center.

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4 Years of Network Renewal
A Look Back From a Coordinator’s Point of View

May 25th, 2022 | by
A big switch with many colorful network cables

Switch after network renewal
Source: Own Illustration

Was it really four years ago that our boss announced with beaming eyes that the application for network renewal had been approved?
Expanding the data network and WLAN, and switching to a new telephone system – in all RWTH buildings. It sounded too fantastic…and yet it came true.

Over the next few days, we stood together again and again in small groups and thought about how we could manage such a huge project. And shortly after that, I was sitting in meetings with the coordinator’s cap on my head, because all of our processes and procedures had to be discussed and adjusted. A huge jolt went through the entire department “Networks”, because everyone wanted to take on this challenge and try to get involved so that we could accomplish this enormous task.


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New Annual Report of IT Center online

May 20th, 2022 | by
Cover sheet of the Annual Report 2020 2021

Source: Own illustration

+++ Please note: The annual report is only available in German! +++

Tatatataaaa: The time has come! The fourth edition of the IT Center Annual Report is online! This time it’s all about the events of 2020 and 2021, because the IT Center’s annual report always covers two years at once.

What you will find in it? Many insights into the activities and events at the IT Center.

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