
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Support, Services & Updates’

Single sign-on: What does that actually mean?

December 6th, 2021 | by
Single Sign-On authentication

Source: Pixabay

Our everyday life is closely accompanied by the internet. We communicate with our peers on the net, share memories on social media, we shop online, search for answers to various questions in forums and much more. All these services usually require a login via username and password. With intensive use of various online services, it is sometimes easy to lose track of everything. This can often lead to downright password chaos. Single Sign-On (SSO) is intended to remove or precisely prevent this chaos. Read the rest of this entry »

One becomes two: Goodbye and auf Wiedersehen c6k-rog…Welcome n7ks!

December 1st, 2021 | by
The RWTH Aachen University network connects around 350 university buildings. Source: Own illustration

Source: Own illustration

Now it’s official: The c6k-rog was finally switched off from the network at the beginning of November 2021 and is now in a well-deserved retirement. The router, which was the main distributor for all institutes of the RWTH Aachen in the city centre for more than 14 years and routed the entire network, will now be replaced by the two new core routers n7k-carl-1 and n7k-sw23-1.

This means that one router has been replaced by two new, more powerful routers, which will guarantee the IT infrastructure at RWTH Aachen University in the future. This changeover was accompanied by the Network Division of the IT Center which operates the communication infrastructures of RWTH Aachen University. Read the rest of this entry »

Archive becomes DigitalArchive

November 26th, 2021 | by

New technology, familiar service, convenient access

Picture of the tape library

The tape library is the home of the previously archived data. In the future, archiving will take place on S3 object storage.
Source: Own illustration

December 08, 2021 is an important deadline for all users of the archive and all those who would like to archive data from administration, teaching and university operations in the future.

The contents of the current archive will be migrated to an object storage infrastructure beginning in December. We have already reported on the archive migration and will continue to keep you updated. The archive will therefore inevitably be set to “Read Only” from 08.12.2021. However, you can continue to use the archiving service, because the start of the new DigitalArchive will coincide with this date.

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News from POP – Performance Optimisation and Productivity

November 19th, 2021 | by
logos POP and Hydrotex

Source: POP HPC

The POP Service for SMEs in Aachen

In a separate article we have already introduced the POP service to you. In summary, the IT Center offers industrial and academic users free performance analyses and optimizations for their software within the framework of the POP service.

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Datensicherung.NRW – Infrastructure for Data Protection @ RWTH Aachen University

November 8th, 2021 | by
Data Protection NRW - Map, listing of member universities and listing of the competence network, cooperations and service & support.

Source: Datensicherung.NRW

The first service center is equipped with hardware!

The kick-off for the backup software, which will be used in future by 29 state universities in NRW for backup, took place back in September. The DH-NRW project Datensicherung.NRW is in full swing. Now the hardware equipment of the first service center for data backup for NRW universities is starting. This winter, the hardware for Datensicherung.NRW will be delivered to Aachen and installed at a total of six distributed locations.

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The new RWTHapp is on its way – and you can test it as the very first!

November 3rd, 2021 | by
Rising sun with "Good morning RWTH Aachen University

New app, new welcome!
Source: Own illustration

We plan the relaunch of the RWTHApp for mid 2022. To get your feedback during the development, we will launch an alpha test at the end of November 2021! If you use Android or iOS, you can test the new RWTHApp before anyone else for three weeks – from November 22 to December 12, 2021.

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Introducing: The DC Admin

October 29th, 2021 | by

Network contact persons know the situation: After the virtual machine (VM) has been ordered via the SeviRe portal, it still needs a network substructure (also called model or application design). Until now, this required correspondence with the IT Center via e-mail.

Since this can involve a lot of back and forth, colleagues Benedikt Paffen and Philipp Tomazin from the Division Networks looked into the issue and came up with a more convenient solution.

Based on the data center fabric (Cisco APIC, SDN), a web interface was programmed for self-service, which fetches the required data from the APIC via API requests. The result: The DC Admin*.

Currently the web interface is still in the beta test phase with a few customers. For all who are interested or would like to participate in the beta test phase, we show today which functions the DC Admin provides.

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TIM- Adé!

October 25th, 2021 | by

TIM(e) to say goodbye!
Source: Own illustration

As already mentioned in our post on Bye-Bye TIM TIM has already been taken offline on 24.07.2020.

For many years, our Tivoli Identity Management System (TIM) was a faithful and constant companion in the everyday life of RWTH. We enter the famous, RWTH-wide known identifier with two letters and six digits several times a day into the various systems and pages of the RWTH. But don’t worry, the user name remains, only TIM no longer exists.

TIM(e) to say goodbye!

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RWTHmoodle – New features in winter semester 2021/22

October 18th, 2021 | by
Mindmap on black board

Photo: Pixabay

Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!

As in the summer semester 2021, RWTHmoodle offers many new features in the winter semester. Curious already?
Keep scrolling and find out what will be available to you in the winter semester 2021/22. Read the rest of this entry »

Selfservice – The New Design

October 11th, 2021 | by

Since 7th October 2021, Selfservice shines in a new modern look. Usability was also considered and optimized during the redesign.

In our first blog post announcing the redesign of Selfservice, we briefly explained what Selfservice is, what it’s for, and how you can sign up. You can also see there the old design.

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