
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Support, Services & Updates’

(Deutsch) RWTH Aachen schließt Rahmenvertrag zur Ermöglichung von Microsoft Azure Services ab

June 19th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Test IT Center Help! –What Do You Think of the New Documentation Platform?

June 17th, 2020 | by
Dein Feedback ist uns wichtig!

Source: Pixabay

Now it’s up to you! What do you think?

Instructions, information and FAQs – you already know our documentation portal doc.itc. Now, we want to know what you think of IT Center Help! Our documentation portal “doc.itc” will soon be replaced by the new documentation platform IT Center Help. You can be one of the first to test IT Center Help, the completely revised successor of doc.itc.

The prototype is ready for testing and you can participate!

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The IT-ServiceDesk Chat Support – We Want Your Feedback!

June 15th, 2020 | by
Du hast Fragen zu den IT-Services? Im Chat Support hilft dir das Team des IT-ServiceDesk schnell und professionell bei der Lösung deiner Anliegen. (Bild:

Do you have questions about the IT-Services? The IT-ServiceDesk team will help you quickly and professionally to solve your concerns in the Chat Support.
Source: Pixabay

The Chat support of the IT-SeviceDesk is an easy and quick way to contact the support team of the IT Center. Currently the Chat Support is available for you from Monday to Friday between 07:30am and 06:00pm. Due to the current situation we are unfortunately not able to support you personally at our IT-ServiceDesk locations, so we have extended our chat times to support you even longer.

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(Deutsch) Remote Lehren und Lernen – Digitale Lehre im Online-Semester

June 12th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

(Deutsch) Demnächst am IT Center: Der Selfservice virtueller Ressourcen SeviRe

June 10th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

(Deutsch) Ergebnisse Nutzerzufriedenheitsumfrage 2019

June 8th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

(Deutsch) My IT Center – Deine Möglichkeiten mit unseren Services

June 3rd, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Umsatteln auf HomeOffice – Eine Herausforderung auch für Netzkapazitäten

May 29th, 2020 | by


Online oder nicht online - das ist hier die Frage. Dank ausreichender Kapazitäten auch im HomeOffice kein Problem

Source: Unsplash

Besondere Maßnahmen, wie etwa die Umstellung auf situative mobile Heimarbeit (smH)- auch gerne als HomeOffice bezeichnet, ziehen besondere Herausforderungen nach sich. Das betrifft auch die IT-Infrastruktur. Neben einem verlässlichen VPN-Service ist aber ohne Internetverbindung nichts möglich – schon gar nicht bei der Arbeit von Zuhause.

Heute erzählen wir Euch, was sich bei der Umstellung auf die Arbeit von zu Hause in Sachen Netzkapazitäten gerade zu Beginn der Umstellung an der RWTH getan hat. An dieser Stelle gilt unser Dank unseren IT Center-Kolleginnen und -Kollegen der Abteilung Netze, die uns auch hier wieder unterstützt haben.

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IT Center Help Usability Test – Your Feedback is Important to Us

May 27th, 2020 | by
Dein Feedback ist uns wichtig!

Your feedback is important to us! Take part in the IT Center Help Usability Test!
Source: Pixabay

There’s news! Our documentation portal “doc.itc” will soon be replaced by the new documentation platform IT Center Help.

We are pleased to present IT Center Help, the completely revised successor of doc.itc. The prototype is ready for testing and your opinion is now requested.

With IT Center Help, we provide you with our service-relevant information in a clear and transparent way. The new documentation of the IT Center has not only a completely new design, it also allows you to get instructions and information even faster and more efficiently.

We are now curious what you think of IT Center Help.

Do you find our prototype user-friendly, transparent and informative and does it meet your requirements?

Therefore, we are looking for you as another Friendly User, who will be one the first to have a look at the new documentation platform. Give us your suggestions and feedback. For the digital user test, you will get access to the new website and a questionnaire with tasks you can solve with IT Center Help. Since the test is online, you can take the test from the comfort of your home or your office.

Are you curious and would like to support us with your feedback on IT Center Help? Great – then simply send an e-mail to up to and including Friday, June 05, 2020 and write “Usability Test IT Center Help” in the subject line.

Write us in a short e-mail,

  • whether you are a student, employee, RWTH partner or UKA member and
  • which device and operating system you want to use for the test.

Further details will be clarified in direct contact with you.

Of course, so much commitment will be rewarded: We raffle 5 x 15 € vouchers for the RWTH Shop among all participants. Taking part is worthwhile.

Help us to help you.

Responsible for the content of this article are Nicole Filla and Martin Pieters

Our Services & the HomeOffice – RWTHmoodle 1×1

May 25th, 2020 | by
E-Learning 2020 ist mit RWTHmoodle an der RWTH Aachen University auch von zu Hause aus möglich.

With RWTHmoodle at RWTH Aachen University, e-learning 2020 is easily possible from home.
Source: Unsplash

Today’s article in the mini-series “Our Services & the HomeOffice” deals with the use of RWTHmoodle and the digital course rooms.

Course rooms & participants

To apply for a digital learning room for your course, you can simply contact the “LV-Coordination” of your chair or institute. This person can order the desired course room. Lecturers of the corresponding courses are automatically authorised as “Manager” if a TIM-CAMPUS-Coupling exists.

Instructions for creating course rooms.

Automatic booking of “lecturers” and “assistants” as managers.


As “Manager“, you have the possibility to add manually further persons to the course room besides the students who were automatically authorized due to a confirmed place in RWTHonline.

Automatic booking of students in the course rooms.

Explanation of the roles and rights in RWTHmoodle.

Instructions for adding and removing people in the course room.

Instructions for booking external persons in the course rooms.


To provide materials from previous semesters you can use the import function in the course room. It is also possible to create many different, interactive working materials and activities.

Instructions for importing and reusing

Instructions for creating resources or activities.


If you want to make videos available in the course room, you can do this easily in two steps with the RWTH streaming server: Upload and embedding.

Instructions for uploading videos to the streaming server.

Instructions for embedding videos in the course room.

If you wish to contact students directly, you can use the “Announcements” activity in RWTHmoodle or you can use “Quickmail” to send e-mails comfortably to the participants of your course room.

Instructions for creating an announcement in the course room.

Instructions for sending e-mails via the course room (Quickmail).



If you need support for continuing online courses during the digital semester, you can find support at the IT-ServiceDesk. Furthermore, the Learning Platform Management department of the Center for Teaching and Learning Services (CLS) also offers a RWTHmoodle consultation hour in which individual questions can be discussed personally. (Please note these pages are currently only available in German.) It is also worthwhile to take a look at the CLS’s advice on distance and online teaching at the RWTH.

More information is available at any time:

Responsible for the content of this article are Liza Schwarz and Nicole Filla.