
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘General’

University Development Plan

November 8th, 2023 | by
Picture of a large white old building

Source: Alexander Müller

As the central IT institution of RWTH Aachen University, the IT Center makes a significant contribution to the effective, efficient, and secure operation of the university’s IT infrastructure. As an integral part of a technical university with a focus on teaching, research and infrastructure, our primary goal is to develop IT service management processes that are adapted to the specific requirements and needs of RWTH Aachen University. In this context, the university development plan also plays an important role for the IT Center, as it not only forms the basis for RWTH’s strategic development planning, but also significantly influences the direction and further development of the IT Center.


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Webex – English: A Little Glossary

November 6th, 2023 | by
Drawing of students learning and reading books

Source: Freepik

The Webex app has been in regular operation since November 2, 2023. We have already informed you about the first steps in using Webex and the most important functions in two blog posts. In this last blog post in the Webex series, we would like to introduce you to a few Webex technical terms and explain the functionalities behind them.


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Congratulations: Best Paper Award

November 3rd, 2023 | by
Dr. Tim Weißker and Dr. Daniel Zielasko on the podium together with the award panel at the award ceremony. On the projection in the background are the title of the paper “Stay Vigilant: The Threat of a Replication Crisis in VR Locomotion Research” and the names of the two authors.

Dr. Tim Weißker and Dr. Daniel Zielasko receiving the Best Paper Award at the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology Source: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Benjamin Weyers

On October 10, 2023, Dr. Tim Weißker and Dr. Daniel Zielasko won the Best Paper Award for their work entitled “Stay Vigilant: The Threat of a Replication Crisis in VR Locomotion Research” at the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology. The paper presents a meta-analysis of research on navigation techniques in virtual reality and analyses the associated empirical user studies with respect to their reproducibility. The results indicate a strong need for improvement within the research community, from which the authors derive specific guidelines for the conduct and presentation of future research.


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Dasi – Onboarding with the data cab

October 30th, 2023 | by

Source: Pixabay

On October 10, the time had come: The data cab visited Siegen .

But what is “onboarding” anyway? And what is the data cab?

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RWTHmoodle: New Features and Plugins in Pilot Operation

October 27th, 2023 | by

Since 2019, RWTHmoodle has been part of everyday teaching and learning and is constantly being further developed to make E-Learning easier for students and teachers.
This winter semester, there are four new features as well as two plugins that can be tested in pilot operation by interested teachers.

In September, all professors and academic staff received an e-mail to find test subjects for the new plugins. At the end of the pilot phase, an evaluation will be conducted to decide whether the plugins will be used permanently.

You can find out which pilot plugins and innovations these are in the
following blog post.


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The IT Center as Part of DH.NRW

October 25th, 2023 | by
Diagram with interlinked icons

Source: Own illustration

In the first blog post on “Digitale Hochschule NRW” (DH.NRW), we gave you a general description of what the cooperation is exactly and what it deals with. You already know that RWTH Aachen University is one of the 42 participating universities.

In this article we would like to show you to what extent the IT Center is involved and which projects it is responsible for.


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#RWTHWelcomeWeek for the Winter Semester 23/24 – We Were There!

October 23rd, 2023 | by
Exterior view of the Audimax shortly before the Freshers' Fair

Source: Own illustration

The IT Center was once again part of this year’s Welcome Week for the winter semester 2023/2024 at RWTH Aachen University! Especially international students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the services and processes of RWTH Aachen University.

Unlike previous events, this time there was no live digital lecture on our IT services. But don’t worry, there was still a video. The Welcome Week team changed the concept and adapted it to your wishes. In addition, we were live on site at the Freshers’ Fair in the Audimax on September 27, 2023, and were on hand to offer advice and support to new students.

In the following blog post, we will tell you about the Freshers’ Fair, the newly designed information video about our IT services, and also give you some help for a successful semester.


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The Webex Go-Live Is Coming Soon!

October 20th, 2023 | by
Diagram with functions of Webex

Source: Own illustration

After a test phase lasting several months, the day has come: On November 2, 2023, the Webex application will be made available to all employees of RWTH Aachen University. In the long term, Webex is intended to replace the Jabber client, as Jabber is only being further developed to a limited extent.

But what exactly is Webex and how does it work? We would like to explain this to you in a total of three blog posts.

In this first post of the Webex series we talk in general about Webex and how the first steps are, so that you can use the app properly.


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IT Center Oktoberfest 2023

October 13th, 2023 | by
Axe throwing

Source: Own illustration

The IT Center management once again invited to the IT Center Oktoberfest on September 29, 2023, after a long break due to Covid. Parallel to the Munich role model, people enjoyed themselves in typical Tracht, Bavarian specialties, and lots of good humor.

The IT Center party team organized the party for employees, trainees, student assistants and alumni. Traditional decorations, a beer cart, music, and lights created a great atmosphere. Although the weather was not ideal in the meantime, the participants were not impressed by this and continued to celebrate in a good mood.


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Certification of the Quality Management System

October 11th, 2023 | by
ISO 9001 certification label

Source: Freepik

The IT Center at RWTh Aachen University is home to various divisions that are responsible for different subject areas. Among others, the Networks department, which is responsible for the operation and renewal of the centrally managed communication networks of RWTH.
Central tasks include the provision of a reliable and high-performance communications infrastructure to safeguard the university’s research, teaching and administrative operations.
In order to relieve the employees, a quality management system (QMS) was introduced, which was accredited according to ISO 9001 for the first time this year.

You can find out in this blog post what exactly the QMS is used for and how the ISO 9001 certification took place.

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