
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘IT-Managers’

IT Fairytale Hour – What’s the Truth About the Myths?

August 23rd, 2023 | by
Illustriertes Bild von Frau im IT Weltall

Source: Freepik

We all know one or two myths that have snuck into our minds over time. Advice like “Put your head in the neck in case of a nosebleed”, everyone has heard before and is still a very common half-knowledge today. But here it is proven that exactly the opposite should be done. Namely, bend the head forward so that the blood can drain off.  

Even in the field of IT, there are some tips that are widespread and firmly believed in.  But is there really anything to it? Which tips and warnings should be taken seriously and which are old news. We want to get to the bottom of it and take a closer look at how much truth there is behind such myths.  

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Efficient License Management With Software Asset Management

August 21st, 2023 | by
Pictograms for SAM

Source: Freepik

Software has become indispensable for businesses of all types and sizes these days. From communications to project management to data analytics, companies rely on a variety of software solutions to efficiently run their day-to-day business operations. However, managing and controlling software licenses can be a real challenge. And that’s where Software Asset Management (SAM) and its tools come in. In this blog post, we would like to discuss how SAM tools can effectively support license management.


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Requesting User Certificates (S/MIME) via the RA Portal – Info for IT Admins

August 16th, 2023 | by
Drawing of a certificate on a tablet and office supplies

Source: Freepik

Yesterday, August 15, 2023, the RA portal ( was additionally enabled for the issuance of user certificates in the GÉANT/TCS (PKI). From August 30, 2023, it will no longer be possible to apply for new user certificates via DFN-PKI Global, as it will cease operation. Until August 29, 2023, there will thus be parallel operation with the well-known “DFN-PKI Global” service. All certificates issued until then will nevertheless retain their validity status for a maximum of 3 years after certificate issuance. In this blog post you can find out what tasks will now arise for IT administrators. Read the rest of this entry »

Changed Opening Hours on August 18, 2023

August 11th, 2023 | by
analog wall clock

Source: Unsplash

Due to an internal event, the IT Center will be open on Friday, August 18, 2023 with limited opening hours.

You can find out how to reach us on this day here!

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Digital Wellness: A Healthy Relationship with Technology

August 9th, 2023 | by
Woman meditating inside a phone

Source: Freepik

In our fast-paced age, it’s obvious that technology has penetrated deeply into our daily lives, providing us with a multitude of benefits and opportunities. However, it is important to maintain a healthy and nurturing digital lifestyle in order to maintain a mental and physical well-being and find a balanced relationship between our online and offline worlds. In this blog post, we explore the importance of digital well-being and provide practical tips on managing screen time, using technology mindfully, and achieving a healthy balance between our virtual and real lives.

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Help, My Title in RWTHcontacts Is Wrong

August 7th, 2023 | by
Illustration Graduation Hat

Source: Freepik

On June 27, 2023, RWTHcontacts replaced the old CAS CAMPUS directory and is now the new, leading directory for personal and organization data at RWTH Aachen University. On RWTHcontacts, the information from the Directory of Organizations and People is displayed.

To ensure that academic titles of persons are also displayed correctly, Identity Management obtains its data from various systems. But more about this later.

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News From the ACI Expert Panel

August 2nd, 2023 | by
Lines of code on black background

Code lines
Source: Own illustration

Every year, the ACI expert panel meets – as we have already reported to you in previous years. Each time the focus is different. And now, there has been another meeting: On June 21 and 22, 2023, the ACI expert panel met in Ehingen on the Danube. Once again, the meeting was attended by employees of the IT Center as well as representatives of the manufacturer Cisco and Cisco customers from the public and private sectors throughout Germany.

Find out what this year’s meeting was all about.

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Happy Birthday – 3 Years of IT Center Help!

July 31st, 2023 | by
Text box with Happy Birthday and 3 candles

Source: Freepik

Since July 2020, the documentation portal IT Center Help accompanies you and us. In this portal you will find answers to your questions about the IT Center’s IT services, such as eduroam, RWTHmoodle or HPC. Especially as new students or employees it is often difficult to find your way through the IT jungle. Among other things, illustrated step-by-step instructions and FAQs are available to help you.

As the IT service provider of RWTH Aachen University, it is very important to us to make our IT services as easy to understand as possible. To give you an insight into IT Center Help and at the same time celebrate the third birthday of the documentation portal, we would like to take you on a short time travel with this blog post.


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Happy System Admin Appreciation Day!

July 28th, 2023 | by
Illustrated picture with two people and the words Thank you.

Source: Freepik

Today, we would like to take the opportunity of “System Admin Appreciation Day” to say a big thank you to all system administrators! You are just irreplaceable!

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IT Center on the road – we are in Dublin for you!

July 24th, 2023 | by
Zeitschrift von Dublin auf einem Tisch mit IT Center Tasse und Kugelschreiber

Source: Own illustration

From June 21 to 23, 2023 the “Customer Advisory Council”, short CAC, of the company Dell took place in Dublin, Ireland. In order to support this event as a Dell customer with questions, suggestions and ideas for better cooperation, Peter Watzlawik traveled there on behalf of the IT Center and the “Service and Communication” group, which takes care of client tenders. In the following article, we will give you some exciting insights into the meeting.

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