
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘IT-Managers’

Award received – SPEC Contributor Award

March 7th, 2022 | by
Image of the red award.

SPEC Contributor Award of Sandra Wienke.
Source: Own illustration

The SPEC activities of the RWTH

In October 2021, the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) released the new SPEChpc™ 2021 (application-oriented) benchmark suites. SPEC was formed in 1988 to establish industry standards for measuring computer performance. Since then, SPEC has become the largest and most influential benchmark consortium in the world. Read the rest of this entry »

Results of the ZKI Top Trends Survey-2022

March 4th, 2022 | by
Woman in IT landscape

Source: Pexels

Once again this year, the Strategy and Organisation Working Group of the Association of Centres for Communication and Information Processing conducted a survey on the most important topics and trends of IT institutions from research institutions and universities in Germany. 85 institutions participated in this year’s survey, providing exciting insights into promising IT topics that will shape the year 2022.

Are you wondering what the top trends and topics are and what you need to be prepared for in the IT world? Then you’ve come to the right place!

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Vishing: Stealing data on the phone

March 2nd, 2022 | by

Source: Pixabay

Cyber-attacks are not just part of everyday life in companies. Even when opening our private e-mail inboxes, we occasionally encounter peculiar e-mails suggesting that the addressee is required to take urgent action. The e-mail urges the addressee to update personal data, enter account information for the payout of a reward, or click on links. Phishing is no longer unknown among fraud methods. However, the attacks are becoming more and more elaborate. Somewhat less known and therefore more surprising, however, are so-called vishing attacks. Fraudsters are coming up with a lot of new ways to obtain data from their victims. Read the rest of this entry »

Software Technology Fair in Aachen

February 25th, 2022 | by
People in a video conference smile at the camera

MATSE trainees at the project presentation
Source: Own illustration

MATSE show practical projects from dual study

For many years, the upcoming mathematical-technical software developers of the dual study program “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” (MATSE) of the FH Aachen have presented their project work in an in-house fair at the IT Center. This year the presentation of the projects took place digitally on 22.02.2022. In the 3rd semester of their study, the dual trainees worked on practical projects in small groups in the module “Software Technology” of Prof. Bodo Kraft. The trade fair and the presentation of the projects form the conclusion of the module for the trainees. Read the rest of this entry »

Information event on the backup changeover

February 23rd, 2022 | by
Post-It note with Change

Source: Own illustration

Not only harmful attacks or external circumstances can lead to data loss, but also malfunctions or failures pose a great danger to business-relevant data. This makes it all the more important to back up data reliably and to be able to restore it quickly in the event of damage. Only in this way can operations be resumed as quickly as possible.

As of June 30, 2022, we at the IT Center and RWTH Aachen University now have a new common goal: the transition to our new platform, the backup software “Commvault Backup & Recovery“, which will replace the current IBM Spectrum Protect (formerly Tivoli Storage Manager, known as TSM)  at RWTH.

Already on December 09, 2021, the changeover in the area of backup was presented at the admin roundtable. In order to inform our administrators at RWTH early and extensively, a virtual information event on the backup changeover took place on February 11, 2022. All backup administrators and all participants in the regular admin round were invited. Read the rest of this entry »

#ITCenterEvents – Introduction to High-Performance Computing 2022

February 21st, 2022 | by

Source: Pixabay

This event provides basic information on High Performance Computing (HPC) at the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University for different target groups and needs. It is the basis for the follow-up event PPCES 2022.

It focuses on CLAIX-2018, the cluster installed at our center at the end of 2018 and extended in 2019. Read the rest of this entry »

Our Opening Hours During Carnival

February 18th, 2022 | by
Red Clock

Source: Pixabay

This year, things may not be quite as turbulent as usual over carnival. Nevertheless, there is a change in our usual opening hours this year: On Rose Monday, February 28, 2022, the IT Center will be closed. Therefore, the IT Service Desk will not be available on this day. Appointments to submit certificate applications will also not be possible on this day. Read the rest of this entry »

Random Acts of Kindness Day

February 16th, 2022 | by
Child holding up a sign with a heart

Source: Freepik

Tomorrow, February 17, is Random Acts of Kindness Day will be celebrated in New Zealand and the USA. What is it all about? By making small gestures, people want to make their (every)day a little nicer for their fellow human beings. For example, by being especially friendly, holding the door open for someone or volunteering to help other people.

We take this day as an opportunity to tell you – our community – that it’s great that you’re here!

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New features in IT Center Help

February 14th, 2022 | by
Rating and sharing function FAQ

Source: Own illustration

Practical step-by-step instructions, useful quicklinks, helpful information or FAQ – our documentation portal IT Center Help provides you with answers to countless questions about the IT Center’s services for studying, teaching and research.

Since its launch in July 2020, we have continuously optimized our portal based on your feedback and adapted it to your needs. Today, we would like to introduce you to two new features in IT Center Help, which you can now put through their paces. Read the rest of this entry »

IT-Security and the Internet of Things

February 11th, 2022 | by
Graphical representation of IoT

Source: Pixabay

The number of smart technologies seeing the light of day is growing steadily. Any everyday problem either gets its own smart solution or becomes at least supported by new technologies. The Internet is all around and supports us in every single aspect of our lives. By now, even our coffee machines are connected to our smartphone and ensures that our coffee is already waiting for us in the kitchen while we are still sitting at our desk. The so-called Internet of Things has countless advantages and is rightly referred to as the 4th Industrial Revolution. What exactly lies behind this term, what are the risks, and how can we avoid them? Read the rest of this entry »