
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Employees’

Increase Safety on Social Media

March 27th, 2023 | by
Social Media Icons

Source: Freepik

Social media has influenced and simplified our everyday lives in many ways. It allows us to quickly and easily stay in touch with friends and family, keep up with news and trends, and share our lives online. But using social media also comes with certain risks, especially when it comes to privacy and IT security.

In this blog post, we will explain how you can keep yourself safe and what you should pay special attention to when using social media. Read the rest of this entry »

Call Center World in Berlin

March 24th, 2023 | by
The entrance to the fair with flags and a blue poster with the name of the event above it.

Quelle: Own Illustration

For More Performance in Customer Dialogue

This year, the trade fair “Call Center World” – CCW for short – took place from February 28 to March 2,2023. The central theme of the 24th International Congress Fair for Innovative Customer Dialogue this year was “Total Experience Management”. Customer experience across all channels and excellent service solutions were the focus of the exhibitors at the fair. In addition to 6,500 international visitors and 200 exhibitors, the IT Center also visited the trade fair in Berlin. What is currently happening in the service industry? What new technologies await us? What will advance customer service? Exhibition stands, speaker forums and demo talks informed visitors about the current trends and movements in the customer dialogue industry. On two exciting days at the fair, we spoke with many exhibitors from the various companies. One thing became clear to us very quickly: new AI technologies such as chat bots and voice assistants, as well as customer experience across all channels, are indispensable in the current world of customer service.

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Training Finished – What Now? Part 1

March 22nd, 2023 | by
Illustration people planning with calendar and checklists

Source: Freepik

We have almost reached the end of our blog series on the vocational training to become a management assistant in dialogue marketing. If you missed the previous blog posts, please take a look at the publications of the last few days. But before we can leave you fully informed, we would like to let some former trainees speak in this and the following last blog post.

Merve and Tomás have both successfully completed their DiMa training with us at the IT Center. In this post, they talk about their experiences during the training and the time afterwards. They explain why they decided to continue their careers at the IT Center. Read the rest of this entry »

Insight Into the Working Routine of DiMa Trainees

March 20th, 2023 | by
Illustration 2 people in training

Source: Freepik

My name is Yasin Kalem and I am currently in the second year of my vocational training as a management assistant in dialogue marketing, or DiMa for short. When I first found out about the training program, I was very interested, but I didn’t know what to expect. I was worried that the training wouldn’t excite me and expected a strict routine. But my concerns were unfounded. To give you an idea of what’s behind the job description for the training program for management assistants in dialogue marketing, I’m taking you on a journey through my working routine as a trainee in this article. Read the rest of this entry »

New Semester, New RWTHapp

March 17th, 2023 | by
RWTHApp on the smartphone in hand

Quelle: Eigene Darstellung

New RWTHapp? That’s right – just in time for the start of the summer semester 2023, you will be able to use the app in a new design with new and improved functionalities from April 3, 2023.

Spoiler: The long-awaited Dark Mode is finally available!

Did you know that this app has been around for ten years in November? We’ve published a few posts about the RWTHapp here on the blog over the past few years, reflecting its evolution. Feel free to check them out! Read the rest of this entry »

Hooray, Hooray, the 1000th Blog Post Is Here

March 16th, 2023 | by
Auszeichnung zum 1000. Blogbeitrag auf dem IT Center Blog

Source: Own Illustration

Today we’re celebrating a big milestone at the IT Center! Our 1000th blog post – can you believe it? It’s okay for a blog post to break ranks and appear on a Thursday. But who actually provides you with new articles on exciting IT topics three times a week?

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Renaming: RWTH Service and L²P Get a New Name

March 15th, 2023 | by
Icon image of the renaming two services: RWTH Service and L²P

New name, but nothing new behind it! Source: Own illustration

The IT Center has two account renamings for two services to announce! As of March 23, 2023, the account “RWTH Service” will be renamed “RWTH-E-Mail” and the account ” L²P” will be renamed “RWTH Collaboration”. What the name changes mean for you and what the background for the renaming is, you can find out in this blog post! (*)

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The First Step to Training: Applying Properly

March 13th, 2023 | by
Pen and sheet with inscription "Application”

Source: Pixabay

Doing a vocational training at a university? How can that be done? Quite simply! Even though a university is often associated with a study program, you still have the opportunity to complete vocational trainings at the various central offices, institutes and chairs. And this is also the case here at the IT Center.

In this next article of our blog series on the vocational training program for management assistants in dialogue marketing – DiMa for short – we will introduce you to the application process. If you are interested in an apprenticeship or know someone who is, it’s worth reading on and keeping an eye on all the other posts in this blog series.


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We Are Training and Looking for YOU – Management Assistants for Dialogue Marketing

March 10th, 2023 | by
Illustration big telephone and two persons

Source: Freepik

With this blog post, we are starting our series of articles on the subject of Vocational Training – Management Assistants for Dialogue Marketing. This is an apprenticeship that you can complete exclusively at our IT Center at RWTH Aachen University. One exception is the Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, which, however, follows a separate process.

Today we start with a profile of this vocational training. In our upcoming posts, you will get detailed information on the application process and insights into the daily life of an apprentice from one of our current apprentices. In the final part of the blog series, which we will split into two articles, we will present you the impressions of former apprentices in their position as permanent employees.*

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Shutdown of the IT-Shop

March 8th, 2023 | by
Illustration shutdown IT store: Switching off a light bulb using a light switch

Source: Freepik


On 01.03.2023 the IT-Shop was shut down. As a member of an institute, a student association or a student council, you had the possibility to order your own blog or website for your external representation via the IT-Shop. MySQL databases could also be ordered via the this Shop.

Of course these services are still available, only the ordering process has changed.


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