
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Employees’

This Was the Software Technology Fair 2023 in Aachen

March 6th, 2023 | by
Softwaremesse 2023

Source: FH Aachen

Finally the software technology fair could take place again in presence in the rooms of the IT Center. The prospective mathematical-technical software developers (MATSE) of the dual course of studies “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” of the University of Applied Sciences Aachen presented their project work in the SWT fair on the premises of the IT Center of the RWTH Aachen University on February 22, 2023. In the 3rd semester of the course, the fair and the presentation of the projects form the conclusion of the software engineering module for the dual trainees. Which projects were presented this year and what the MATSE trainees learned, you can read in this after report.

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IT Center Satisfaction Survey

March 3rd, 2023 | by

Comments and Answers

Hands on a laptop keyboard with satisfaction survey logo

Source: Freepik

Some of you participated in the satisfaction survey and gave us a few suggestions.
Many thanks for that!

We gladly take up your points and explain to you:

  • what can you do in case of possible problems,
  • which things unfortunately cannot be changed at the moment,
  • and above all: which problems will soon be solved by new services.

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Preview: Person data in RWTHcontacts

March 1st, 2023 | by
Preview directory of people

Source: Own illustration


After the introduction of RWTHcontacts and the new central RWTH organization directory last summer, it is now time to introduce the new central RWTH person directory of RWTH Aachen University. In today’s article you can read about the advantages of the new directory.


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Pentest: The Attacks That Increase Security

February 27th, 2023 | by
Man with hat in front of laptop

Source: Own illustration

Cyber attacks have become a normal part of daily business for companies and organisations, and the question of how to protect against these attacks is playing an increasingly important role. It is particularly important to understand how hackers carry out their attacks. For this reason, many companies and organisations are even voluntarily becoming targets by commissioning IT experts with so-called penetration tests. In this article, we will explain exactly how these tests are performed. Read the rest of this entry »

Carnival Celebration at the IT Center 2023

February 24th, 2023 | by
Colorful decorated pastries with frosting in a tupperware.

Source. Own illustration

On fat Thursday, the IT Center was finally bright and colorful again.
Disguised employees from different departments of the IT Center met at the festively decorated IT-ServiceDesk at Seffenter Weg 23.

At exactly 10:11 am the carnivals party started. With suitable music the beloved fifth season was celebrated.

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How Do Browsers Work?

February 22nd, 2023 | by
Illustration of the process of how a browser works in the form of graphics

Source: Own illustration

Today we’ll take you on a journey that starts with your request in the browser and ends with the final rendering of the web page.
What is actually happening in the background when you open a web page? How do browsers work? What is a DNS and what does a port have to do with it?

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Preventing Mental Stress in the Homeoffice – Part 2

February 17th, 2023 | by
Different people at work in different moods depicted as a cartoon.

Source: Freepik

The topic of the “working from home environment” is and remains important for many employees. In our last article “Opportunities and Challenges Working From Home“, we presented both risks and opportunities that arise from working from home and highlighted possibilities. Now, in the second part, we would like to go a step further and give tips on how to reduce and prevent possible mental stress during working remote.

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HPC Intro and PPCES 2023

February 15th, 2023 | by
Gäste der Veranstaltung sitzen im Seminarraum mit ihrem Rechner

Source: Own illustration

From March 13 – March 17, 2023, we will continue the tradition and open our doors again for the Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science seminar, PPCES for short, as well as the Introduction to High-Performance Computing 2023.

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It’s all About Software Licenses

February 13th, 2023 | by
CD with software and software license

Single user license? Network license? We shed some light on it!
Source: Own illustration

The number of software products and their licensing terms (user agreements) is growing rapidly and steadily. In the meantime, users no longer only have to deal with the selection of the appropriate software product. They also have to deal with the appropriate form of license and compliance with the license terms. These usage agreements in particular are becoming increasingly complex. As a result, the field of correct software licensing has become extremely difficult to navigate. So how does software licensing actually work? Read the rest of this entry »

Changed Opening Hours During Carnival

February 10th, 2023 | by


White background with pink glasses and party decoration

Source: Freepik

As the data center of a Rhenish university rich in tradition, the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University also enjoys the fifth season.
Therefore, there will be changes in the opening hours of the IT ServiceDesk over the carnival days:

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