
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘DiMA’

A Look Behind the Scenes of Apprenticeship – Part I

July 24th, 2024 | by
Green traffic sign with learning imprint in different directions

Source: pixabay

After Daniel Malenkovic successfully completed his apprenticeship as a dialog marketing specialist at the IT Center in February 2024, we were delighted to welcome another graduate in June: Yasin Kalem.

After three years of hard work, he too has finally achieved his goal. But what was it like for him? What did he do with us, how did he feel and what’s next for him?

That’s exactly what we asked him and we take a look at his journey with us in a one-to-one interview.


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Best Trainee Award 2023

November 27th, 2023 | by
Daumen hoch für unsere Azubis

Source: Freepik

Despite the extraordinary circumstances during the coronavirus pandemic, the training was completed with the grade “very good” – four former IT Center trainees achieved this in 2023: Patrick Blaneck, who completed his training as a mathematical-technical software developer at the beginning of the year, Mia Möbes, IT specialist for system integration, Eva Tiede, Management Assistant for Office Management, and Marcel Vogler, mathematical-technical software developer. All four were honored by the IHK-Aachen for their excellent results at a ceremony.

The IT Center is delighted for the graduates and congratulates them all! Read the rest of this entry »

The IT Center Greets Its New Trainees

August 14th, 2023 | by
People with laptops and smartphones on the floor

Source: Freepik

This year, we are once again very pleased to welcome our new trainees.

As a training company of RWTH Aachen University, we give enthusiastic young talents the opportunity to learn and grow in a dynamic and future-oriented environment. This year, we are very pleased to welcome a total of 11 new trainees at the IT Center, who now look forward to their exciting apprenticeships as IT specialists for system integration (FiSi), management assistants for office management (KfB), management assistants for dialog marketing (DiMa), and mathematical-technical software developers (MATSE). Read the rest of this entry »