Rummler: Comparison of Measured and Simulated Impulse Responses of a Concert Hall Using the Loudspeaker Orchestra
März 13 @ 11:00 - 12:00
The RAVEN room acoustic software was benchmarked against measurements of the loudspeaker orchestra conducted by Pätynen et al. in the Gasteig concert hall, Munich. The specific source arrangement used in the study plays a crucial role, as it diversifies the direct and reflected sound paths, significantly altering the perception compared to a single omnidirectional room excitation.
Various objective and subjective measures are presented to illustrate the particularities identified during the study. In addition, preliminary results of an auditory comparison paradigm listening test inspired by the Spatial Audio Quality Inventory (SAQI) will be discussed. A group of expert listeners rated the difference between auralizations based on either measured or simulated room impulse responses using the Room Acoustical Quality Inventory (RAQI).
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